Italy x reader x Romano [Lemon]Happy birthday

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(o'ω'o)ノ Hello my beautiful kitties! It is Friday the 17th(NekoReaper13 as of July 26 at 10:58 p.m: lol it is the new horror movie date... Haha...) . It is Saint Patrick's Day! So why am I not doing an Ireland thingy? Well~~~
It is Italy and Romano's Birthday!! Yay~ *Throws confetti at the brothers*

Italy: Veh~ Thank you Bella~

Nekoreaper: Awwg~ You're too sweet but I am an ugly fuck. Sooo~ haha...

Italy: No you're not~ o(^▽^)o

Romano: Do you really think the reader wants to see this?

Nekoreaper: uhhh (゜▽゜;)
I don't know do they? Teehee~

Romano: Probably not...

Nekoreaper: Oh well~ (≧∇≦)/

Italy: ... Bella... Fratello is right... You should get started. You're wasting time...

Nekoreaper: T0T Feli why you being so blunt??

Italy: *Shrugs*

Nekoreaper: ...

Romano: (¬_¬)ノ *lightly smacks Nekoreaper's head* just.... Just get it over with...

Nekoreper: ⊙ω⊙ okey.
        It was Italy and Romano's birthday, and you had something special to give them. They weren't necessarily holding a party or anything, but when who ever was there left you planed on giving them your first time. You were nervous but excited at the same time. Will a huff you stopped on the side walk. Your music had stopped again. CURSED EAR BUDS!!! You thought to yourself extremely frustrated. After fixing your music and re-situating yourself you continued to walk to their place.
        When you had finally reached their home and entered you saw the few people that were there. It was Germany, Japan, Prussia, and Spain. Italy and Romano were there of course. There were no presents anywhere so you were a tad bit releaved on that note because... Well... Your present was a little more private(pun) and abstract(ish). You plopped down on the couch next to Prussia after you greeted the Italian brothers. You had to continuously smack and push his hand away from you. He was constantly getting a little too close to you. You scooted away at the... Probably tenth time of him doing so, you were over it.
        "Aww~ Come on! I'm Zhe awesome Prussia!~ Come back baby!" He whined and tried to wrap his arms around you. Putting your hand to his chest and attempting to push him away just wasn't working. Suddenly Spain decided he was going crawl between the two of you, all in good humor and purpose, trying to "help" you get free... But... Only touching you more than would have been liked. Suddenly you heard a little 'humph' behind you and arms wrapped around you stomach/waist area. You glanced back seeing that it was Italy. 'So cute!~' was all you could think.
        "Don't worry, Bella. I'll save youuu~" He cooed lightly. You caught Romano's eye. He blushed, rolled his eyes and then looked away. He then suddenly dashed over ripping Prussia and Spain away from you. Italy, eyes half closed, snuggled into your back. Romano sat next to you on the couch. You smiled. You really liked this set up. Much better than the last if you were being honest.
        You had now, after twenty minutes, noticed that Germany had disappeared.
        He came out with a cake and after everyone had left, except you and the brothers you guys were just sitting there. You were deep in thought thinking on how you were going to make your move on the brothers.
       "Bella~ stay with me and Fratello tonight. Please~" Italy begged, pulling you out of though. Perfect!! You thought to yourself once again. You nodded in response.
        "Veh~" He glomps you as a response. You could see Romano smiling from the corner of your eye. With a smirk you laid back into his lap. He tensed.
        "Y/n??" He asked in shock. You hummed in response. Italy was still on top of you.
        "You're in my lap..." He blushed.
        "Yuup~ what about it?" You said as if there was nothing awkward or embarrassing about this position. Italy sat up, staying on top of you. Romano suddenly shifted awkwardly. Suddenly you felt why. He was erected. You smiled.
        "Lovi~ Does this please you?" You asked, looking at him while still laying in his lap. He blushed and looked away.
       "I... I don't-a know... But... Y/n... I can see-a down you shirt-a... You... Might-a want to pull it up..." he was blushing worse. You let out a mock gasp of surprise.
        "Nooo~ Lovino! You pervert~" you said in a mock embarrassed and high pitched voice, covering your chest. Romano blushed, only getting a larger erection. You reached up and grabbed his curl. You eyes wide with curiosity. He blushed and grabbed your arm. His erection grew once again
(Nekoreaper13 as of July 30 at 9:27 pm. How big is his dick? lol)You laughed and then rubbed it between your fingers. He let out a shuddering gasp.
        "Don't leave me out, Bella~"  Italy whined. Then with your opposite hand, grabbed Italy's curl. Italy jolted and then buried his face in you chest.
        After a few minutes of massaging the brothers' curls, Romano pulled your hands away, lifted you out from under Italy, and then carried you to his bed room. Italy followed close behind.
        Romano dropped you onto the bed and tore your shirt off and threw it to the ground. Romano plastered his lips to yours. You automatically melted into the kiss. You both exploring one another's mouths. Italy then joined you both. He rubbed your vagina through your underwear. You automatically started to get wet.
         "Happy birthday boys~ Do what you want with me. I am your present~" You finished and let out a light moan as Italy started to slowly take off your underwear. After he had taken them off he slid his hand under you skirt and inserted one finger at first thrusting in and out. You bucked your hips into his hand uncontrollably, he then over time added more fingers. Romano took off you bra and started to suck your right nipple and massage you left breast. With a light moan you made Italy giggle.
        "Y/n~ you bad girl. This wet already?" He asked. You suddenly felt an urge to have them inside you. At this moment the both of them, as if reading your mind, positioned themselves at your entrance. They both pushed inside of you. You let out a cry.(me again on July 30th. Vagina has officially been tore lolol) After a second they began to roughly thrust in an out, not at the same pace. This roughness and wildness would make you cum sooner than if only one of them were thrusting. You moaned, and as if this moan fueled them they began to thrust faster.
        "Ah~ Y/n... You... You're... So tight!" Romano shot out the comment.
        "But that's-a why it feels so good!~" Italy practically yelled. You suddenly bucked your hips and came on their members. They, only moments later, came inside of you. With a few slower, loose, and more gentle thrusts, they pulled themselves out.

     "Ti amo Bella~" Italy said happily and pulled the cover over the three of you.
        "Y/n... Ti amo..." Romano said quietly burying his face into your hair.
        "I love you guys too~"

... Suddenly you noticed that Japan never left... Nor did you notice him being there after he greeted you. You glanced at the door, it was being shut...
Japan had recorded everything.

Every. Single. Thing.

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