Ameripan[Lemon] (again sorry... I love it so much!!)

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I love Ameripan sooo much. It and USUK have to be my favorite ships...
Here is what I believe to believe to be my top five.
1. Ameripan
3.NorIce(have I even wrote a lemon for this?? I don't think I have... Well... That's surprising...)
4.England x Japan(It is early and I am at a loss... I forgot the ship name)
5.GerIta(don't get me wrong. I like it, but not as much as I think I'd like to believe...)
It is like in the morning and tomorrow I am going to hsve bags under my eyes like Sangwoo and Yoonbum from Killing Stalking... Oh... Yes... I need to catch up on that...
Nekoreaper13 a.k.a.: Fisk.
-A very happy and somewhat energetic person. Whom seems to be somewhat happy go lucky(though she really isn't) loves Hentai, anime, reading manga, and cats... Especially kittens... What am I talking about? I LOVE ALL CATS!! And that is why one of my friends claims I am Greece... Heh... I wish I was that sexy...
Nekoreaper13 is actually a dark and horrible person on the inside. A Dake Lord, if you will... Loves deep web vids, she also likes gor, and happened to really enjoy an Issis(or is that isis?) video a friend sent her one time. The man made gluging and sputtering noises when the busted up his face... She(I am talking in third person at this point lol)laughed at the noise... Though Issis and terrorist things are really no laughing matter... It is actually very serious... She just sometimes gets cracked op over the worse of things...

I also stopped writing my Hungary x Reader to do this..  I was(still sorta am XD) so tired...
        "Oh, Kiku~" America cooed through the brush.
        "Aww~ come on!! Where did you go, Dude?... Dude?!" Alfred yelled for Kiku. Why did I recommend hide and seek?? He wasn't even all that excited... Phoo...(no clue what kind of word phoo is... I just came up with ot on the spot.)
Alfted then pushed his way through the bushes and the started to looks around for the small, adorable, Japanese man.
        America looked behind a large oak tree which was father into the forest next to the park.(what ever =-=) Kiku was sitting on the ground reading a book. He was extremely focused and had the book fairly close to his face. Alfred decided to crawl in front of Kiku and just stare at him until he noticed. Though, being Alfred, he went farther than that. Once he was close to Kiku he started to rub his crotch. Kiku, in response gasped and practically threw his book.
        "A... Arfred? What... What are you... Ahh... Doing??" Kiku asked, blush covering his face.
        "What does it look like I'm doing? We haven't had any fun like this is a while~" Alfred cooed to Kiku and then started to unzip Kiku's pants.
        "We can't do it here!!" Kiku exclaimed.
        "Why not?? No one goes this far away from the park! Besides, it's not like anyone is going to see anyways." The American stated and then laughed. He continued to remove Kiku's pants.
        Once Alfred had Kiku's pants and boxers removed he started to suck his dick. Kiku writhed(... My phone says that is spelled right... But it looks weird... Oh well... I am sure you get it even id it isn't the right word or spelling...)underneath Alfred. He laughed which caused vibration against Kiku's penis. This made him gasp.
        "A... Arfred... I'm gonna cum..." Kiku said and then trailed off. Alfred parted from his penis before he could do so. He stood up, unzipped and removed his pants and boxers.
        "You have me pretty excited~♡" Alfred said and crouched down in front of Kiku. Kiku just stared for a moment and then looked away, blush still covering his face.
        "And you're practically crying... So much pressure... Why do you hold back against me so?" Alfred asked and then planted his lips onto Kiku's.
        "It's not personar... I'm just herd back I suppose..." Kiku told him and looked him into the eyes. He then wrapped hia arms around the American's shoulders and kissed him violently. Alfred, first surprised, melted happily into the kiss. Kiku then grabbed Alfred's penis and started to thrust. Alfred, extremely surprised by this just stared at Kiku.
        "But... I don't want to hord back from you... Arfred... Because I rove you..." Kiku told him extremely embarrassed, but telling the whole truth. Alfred smiled and then put his forehead against Kiku's.
        "Thank you for saying it to me first. I love you too." Alfred told him. He blue eyes staring into Kiku's brown ones. "Now su-!! ahh~" Alfred was cut off by his sudden cumming.
        "Ahh... S-sorry! Heh..." Alfred apologized and then lifted three of his fingers to Kiku's mouth. Kiku then grabbed Alfred's hand and stuck the fingers inside his mouth. He sucked and twirled his tongue around his three fingers. Alfred pulled away suddenly, leaving a spit trail.(ugh... Ew!! I hate thinking about that... Yet I write about it XD) 
        Kiku the rolled over and put his rear somewhat into the air. Without warning Alfred pushed all the fingers in at once. Kiku gasped and whimpered in surprise.
        "Arfred... Don't prep me for too rong..." Kiku stated somewhat suggestively to  the American. Alfred, in response pulled out and then positioned at his entrance.
        He pushed in with a great force, and with out waiting started to thrust with all his mite.
        "A-alfred!! Ah!!! Harder!!" Kiku yelped our in pleasure.
        "Teehee... Tight as ever I see... Mm..." Alfred cooed and then started to thrust with even more power. Almost as if Kiku's moans were fueling his energy. He spun Kiku around to face him, picked him up, and slammed him against the tree. Holding Kiku up by the legs, Alfred thrusted into him with great force.
        "Arfred I'm going to cum!!" Kiku yelped and then cam all over his companion's chest. Alfred came after several more thrusts. Once he was finished they both collapsed to the forest floor. Alfred, only moments later stood up, took off his shirt and then slid his boxers and pants back on.
        "I had a feeling I should have took my shirt off... Oh well!" He commented and then helped Kiku up and gave him him pants.
        "I brame it on you if I can't wark for a day or two with out being compretery sore..." Kiku said to Alfred and then pulled his pants on.
        "Ahaha!! I love you too, Kiku!"

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