Sweden x Reader[Lemon]

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Okay. June 6th... Happy birthday Sweden... So...this'll probably suck, but here you go. EnJOy~~~
Also... If it won't trigger you... There is no before plot... Just sexy time...
If it makes you angry... *Sweden Fans*
I will come back and edit it... And make a before plot... But if you don't mind... Just... Enjoy the sexy time... I think it has a good yet sudden start though :>
Fisk: my god!! I need hair clips!!
Berwald: *grunts*
Fisk: eh...?
Berwald: *grunts once more*
Fisk: Finny... Translate...
Toni: Well~ You look emo! :D
Fisk:... What kind of translation is that?
Why did I chop my hair off?! I bet it is shorter than a large amount of the character!!! Agh!! It is in my face even worse now!! >~< why?!
        Berwald suddenly slammed you against a wall. You looked up at him in shock. His piercing blue eyes stared into your (e/c) eyes.
        "B-berwald... What are you doing?" you asked him in confusion and surprise, while most would ask in fear. He leaned in close to your ear.
        "I love you, Y/n." he stated.(°-°; idrk how to do his accent... ahaha... •-•;;;)
You blushed bright red and tried to mentally dissolve into the wall behind you.
        "I-" He cut you off my kissing you. After a long passionate kiss he picked you up and carried you to his room. He sat you gently on the bed and started to kiss you once more. You grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted it over his head. He traced the lines of him abs and then automatically noticed what you had caused. You smiled lightly and looked up at him. He let out a little sigh as a very light and almost unnoticeable blush covered his cheeks. You then tugged on the hem of his pants to signal him to take them off. He did so and the crawled back on top of you. You took your knee and then started to rub his erection through the thin fabric of his boxers. He soon started to buck his hips unknowingly, and you smiled at that. You stopped and lifted up. You scooted your pants off leaving your panties. You also removed your shirt and bra. You then laid back down, spread you legs, and pur your arms above your head.
        "I am all you Berwald... I love you too... So take me and make me your own!" when you had finished your offer he leaned down and started to massage your breasts... After several minutes of doing so he then buried his face in the crook of your neck and then started to search for your sweet spot. It didn't take long and you moaned as a signal to him that he had indeed found the right area. Once you had confirmed he started to suck, kiss, and abuse the area until there was a read mark to show that he had claimed you.
        "Mine..." He stated in a monotone voice and then started to kiss you once more. He worked his way down from you lips to your jaw line. Then from you jaw line, down you neck, and all they way to your stomach. He then slid off your underwear. The sudden feeling of air made you gasp. He leaned down and started to kiss your vagina. After several minutes of him doing so and your moaning he backed away and licked his lips. This made you blush more than you already were. He inserted two fingers and started to thrust somewhat hard into you. You moaned at this new feeling.
        "B... Berwald... Don't tease me for long~" you cooed to him. When he head you say this he removed his hand and then pulled down him boxers. Your eyes widened at his size.
        "W... Will it fit??" you asked, completely sincere.
        "Of course it will..." He states and then positioned him self. Instead of pushing in he moved his hips so that his penis rubbed against your vagina in circular motions. He then pushed in a little and then pulled out. He did the same thing several more times, except he went a little deeper each time. You let out​ a little whine. You noticed how he was just teasing you now. This time when he a pushed in, you bucked your hips forward so that it went in much deeper than he had anticipated. You scooted closer to him, ensuring that his penis would go deeper. Though it sent pains through your whole body you were determined to have him at the way in and stop the teasing foreplay. You made in to his lap and lifted up and little and then sat down all the way. You let out cries and clutched his shoulders for comfort. He kissed your tears away and huged you. When he did so your breasted pressed up against his chest. You felt him erect even more inside of you. This made you moan. As if your moan had trigger something he slammed (gently slammed?) you against the bed and started to thrust deep inside of you. The first five or six thrusts were the ones that hurt the most. Over time it became more and more pleasurable.
        "B... Berwald!! Take me!! Harder, faster, please!!" you practically begged him. He started to trust into you with more force and speed.
        Several minutes of doing this sent you both over the edge. As you felt him twitch inside of you both of you came at the same time.
        "B-Berwald!!" you yelled and arched you back in pleasure. He pulled out of you, gave you a passionate kiss, and covered the two of you up.


        "Welp! Norge, look like you owe me five bucks!" Matthias yelped at the handsome Norwegian.
        "The one who should be calling me 'Big Brother' owes me 10..." He replied to the Dane and stared at Emil.
        "Ah... Um..." Emil suddenly tensed, "Find someone else to call you 'Big Brother'!! Besides... I wouldn't have put anything on the bet if I had not whole heartedly believed Y/n would withstand Berwald's attack."
        "... Give me the ten dollars and call me 'Big Brother..."  Lukas commanded.
        "No way!! Who's stupid idea was it to bet on this anyways?!" Emil yelped back.
        "It was Tino's idea!!" Matthias barked at the fighting  pair.
        "Tino's?" They both asked at the same time.
        "Teehee~ Y/n is so lucky to have Berwald all to herself~ Not that I can settle for that!!" Emil, Mattias, and Lukas has looked down the hall to see where the laugh had come from... It was Tino... And he had kept his composure the whole time... He saw...


Well!! I think I have officially made Finland look like a creep... Whoops!! I guess that turned out better than I thought it would but... Still eh... I think... I'm not a Sweden fan... I like him as a character but... Y'know... Not really a fan I guess...

Don't hate me Sweden fans plz!! *blip. blip.(tears of a beggar)

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