Canada x Reader[Lemon]

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It was Matthew's birthday and you planned on doing something special for him. It included maples... and maple syrup... His two favorite things. Well... I think I come in a close third~ you thought to your self and then set off to go get you absolutely adorable boyfriend.

Once the two of you arrived back at your house you drug him to the kitchen. You walked him in with your hand over his eyes and then when you uncovered them you pounced on him in a hug.

"Happy Birthday, Matty~" You yelped and planted a kiss on his cheek. The two of you still hadn't kissed, or done anything sexual for that matter. He walked up to the potted baby maple tree and stroked its leaves. He turned back and smiled at you.

"Y/n... You... You didn't have to do this... Seeing you was enough. I was afraid that you had forgetten the day and wasn't going to come see me at all." He told you with a ginuine smile on his face.

"Well... Didn't Francis stop by?" Isn't he like you father figure or something? You finished in you head. He nodded.

"He stopped by, yeah... It's just that he didn't get to stay for long." He explained.

"Well~ I could never forget my adorable boyfriend now could I?~" You asked him and then blushed after you had said it.

"... 'Adorable'?"He squeaked in question. You blushed and then nodded. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"I made pancakes..." You trailed off. He smiled and planted his lips onto yours in a kiss. The two of you kissed. Your lips moving at the same time. You licked his bottom lip for entrance and he allowed. Once you had explored some of his mouth he then licked the inside of you mouth, extremely shy. When the two of you parted you gasped for air and stared into his violet eyes while he stared into you (e/c) eyes. You ran your hand through his hair and accidententally got you hand caught in his curl.

He suddenly tightened his grip around you and then pressed his new found errection aganist the front of you pants. You gasped and then tried to get your hand out of the curl.

"U-umm... Matthew??" You asked him with a worried look.

"Heh... Y/n... Wanna have some fun?" he asked you suggestively. You blushed, looked away, and then looked back at him. After hesitating for a few moments you nodded. He made a growling noise and then pushed you against the table. You gasped as the small stack of pancakes almost fell. He noticed and then moved them to the kitchen counter... Leaving the maple syrup.(lenny) He lifted you up and sat you on the table. At first you were a little surprised by his sudden lift. You didn't think he was weak, but he had never picked you up before. He slid you pants off along with your under wear. You then took your shirt and bra off. He looked up at you and slightly blushed. He looked into your eyes(and though to himself that he was too horny to back out of this because of embarrassment*the line that should come after that*)

He grabbed the maple syrup and poured it all over your chest. You gasped at the sudden feeling. It ran down you boobs and then over your nipples. He pulled his glasses off and sat them on the counter behind him. He, from the bottom of your breast, licked up and then stopped at the nipple. He wrapped his lips around the pink nub and put pressure on it as he backed away. You let out a lusty moan and burried you face into his hair. He then switched breastes and did the same. He crawled onto the table with you(no pressure table-san.*I am not a weeb I swear, I just think it sounds better than 'Mr.Table'. I did indeed spend five minutes thinking about whether to use '-san' or not*) He then licked it off you chest and then massaged your breased using both hands. He kissed you violently and bit your lip as the two of you parted. He climbed down and then leaned you back on the table and spread your legs.

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