Romano x Reader [Lemon]

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Like I think I mentioned in my introduction I had a separate lemon account so I decided that I would copy on of my two stories here. And~
I chose Romano.
Because I love him.
Thought you might want to see it :>
Enjoy kitties~
        You were walking through the mall and looking around. You weren't really there to buy anything, but just to look. There wasn't much that you could see that was interesting you at the moment... There was only one thing that you had on your mind. Or, better put, one person. That one person was Lovino Vargas. He was a handsome brunet Italian with green eyes and an abnormally cute curl that flowed out to your left(his right. How ever you preferred to refer to its direction) You were in a daze when suddenly you bumped into someone, and you heard an angry voice... An angry Italian voice. Suddenly in the middle of his complaint he stopped and looked down at you. Your eyes met and you blushed bright red. The voices and human traffic continued as you both stood there, blushing, starring into one another's eyes. His mouth gaped a little.

"...Y/N??" He asked almost confused. It was more than likely because when you were around all the countries, which you often hung out with, you were dressed nice, but right now... You were dressed in a baggy(fav. band) T-shirt and black boot cut jeans with old boy OP tennis shoes. You had small, black, jean back-pack thrown over your shoulder. Not to mention you were slouching and you hair was in a mess. (ruffled if short and pulled back in a messy lump if long) After you re-took in how you looked you automatically straightened up and ran you hands through you hair trying to straighten it out the best you could. You also quickly tugged on your clothes when suddenly he grabbed your hand. You looked up you eyes wide, also not to mention with slight bags under them. Blush covered your face.

"Why are you trying to straighten your self up now? I have already saw you, no reason to suddenly change..." He blushed and let go stuffing his hands into his pockets and started to quickly walk by you. You grabbed his shirt and he turned, hands still in pockets, a red blush covering his face. He looked away and mumbled something in Italian... You might have caught something that sounded like 'bella ragarazza' but you wouldn't know what it meant anyways, so you ignored it. You looked up at him, both of your gazes met once again and you both blushed.

"H-hey B- Y/N? Would you want to come over to my place and have pasta. Fratello won't be there so I am alone... He went to stay with that potato bastard..." You had this blank moment, like your brain just short circuited. You eyes lit up and you shook you head 'yes'.

"Yes! I would love to. Can I run by and get some stuff first... I look horrible..." You said blushing. Lovino shook his head 'no'. You were a bit surprised by his rejection.

"No, you look great just how you are, besides it is just going to be me and you, so no one else will see... That is, if that is what you are worried about!" He said the last part hastily to make sure that you weren't offended. You smiled and nodded.

"Okay, lets go... Lead the way." You said happily to be invited.

----Time skip to Romano's brought to you by Flying Mint Bunny ^_^----

You walked in with Romano. The walk was nice, it was a fall evening and the wind was a bit chilly but it brought a bit of a warm front afterwards. You were suppressing shivers when suddenly there was an lean muscled arm was thrown around your shoulder. You tensed up and sort of stopped. You looked at him and he continued to walk and you stumbled forward. He looked over at you and let out a little chuckle. He let his arm fall as he gestured to the couch. You walked over and plopped down. Lovino when to the kitchen and then brought back soda and wine. You looked at it kind of confused.

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