Denmark x Reader[Lemon]

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June 5th, kitties. Happy Birthday Denmark. :3
So here is his Birthday chapter.
        You had gone to a club for a reason you weren't too sure of at this point. Lights where strobing and everything around you was a loud blur. Music blared people where dancing. You were just standing there​ with a half empty beer. You wouldn't say that you were drunk, but more on the side of having a buzz. Suddenly a tall, handsome man with gravity defying hair bumped into you. You gasped with automatic recognition.
        "Y/n?!" he yelled over the blaring music and crowd. You nodded. He then gave you a huge smile, "What are doing here?! At a club?... With a drink!" He asked and then exclaimed. You smiled.
        "Well.... Trying to have fun I guess... I think the club vibe wore off a long time ago!!" you yelled back. He nodded and looked around. He looked back at you suddenly. A huge smile was plastered across his face.
        "You said you wanted to have fun... Right?" he yelled at you. You looked around, shrugged, and nodded. He grabbed you wrist and drug you to the uni-sex restroom.
        It was oddly clean. He turned around and locked the door. It was a restroom that was meant to accommodate one person. He pinned you to the wall and started to kiss you violently.
        "Y'know Y/n... This was probably the last thing you planned on doing tonight... But I really like you and it turns out this is a better excuse than ever to strike." He smiled and blushed a little. You grinning lightly. Blush covered your face and you just noticed your beer was gone. I must have dropped it... I hope no one tr- Your thoughts where interrupted when suddenly the beer you had just noticed what was missing was magically(not really) and suddenly on your chest. You and now your shirt was covered with the fowl smelling liquid. You looked down at your breasts and then back at the tall Dane. He had the bottle in his and waved it in front of you with a devilish grin on his face.
        "Tonight... Mr... Is your lucky night... Reason number one: I'm not in the mood to smack some one... Aka you. Reason number two: I like you as well... And you're right. I didn't plan on doing anything like this tonight, but... Lets just say... I don't mind if things don't go according to plan~" you told him suggestively. He smiled back and then lifted your shirt over your head. You then pushed him into the opposite wall and started to kiss him and rub your body against his.(and before you completely assume that Y/n and Denmark are drunk, they are not. They are barely buzzed. :3) he rubbed his hands up and down your back and then he unhooked your bra. He threw it down next to your wet shirt and then he sat down on the toilet  and pulled you into his lap. You had one leg on each side of him and was facing him. He started to stuck your right nipple and was grabbing you rear. You let out little huffs of delight as he did so. He soon switched breasts leaving the right nipple red and unattended to. He then put his hands under your skirt(sorry if you don't like or wear skirts) and started to massage your vagina through the wet fabric of your panties. With a low moan you buried your face in the crook of him neck and he started to kiss yours. He pulled your under wear down and inserted a finger. You let out a light gasp and scooted closer to him so he could reach better. He over time inserted up to four fingers.
        "Hey... Y/n... Is... Is this your first time?" he asked you shyly. You suddenly opened you eyes and just stared at him, suddenly really embarrassed.
        "B... Because if it is... I would rather you have it in my bed than in a restroom..." he trailed off, blush covered his face.
        "Yeah... It's my first time but... I mean... It feels so good..." you trailed off disappointed when he pulled his hand our of your entrance.
       "Hey... It'll be even better in my bed~" he cooed to you in your ear. You nodded. He took off his button up and gave it to you. He grabbed your discarded clothes and stuffed them in his pockets.(You had on a really thin and light weight shirt so that was easy to pocket, panties would be easy to pocket, so only half your bra was in his back pocket. Heh I like that image XD) he grabbed your wrist and pulled you through the crowd. The two of you were soon in his car and off to his home.

Fin. ;3
Okay I'll keep going.

He picked you up out of the car and carried you bridal style to the door. He managed to hold you up with one arm and unlock the door with the other. You had offered to walk but he refused. He locked the door behind the two of you and took you to his room.
        He dropped you onto the bed. He automatically started to kiss and grind against you. He pulled of your skirt as you unbuttoned the shirt he had gave you. You tugged on the hem of his pants signalling him to take them off. So he did. He sat up and leaned forward. His penis was standing up and you poked it teasingly. He took in a light gasp of air, blush covered his face. This only made you wet. You took your tongue and swirled it around the head and then wrapped your lips around it. You pumped up and down as you moved you tongue against his member.
        "Y/n... I'm gonna cum..." he whispered in pleasure. You then stopped. He looked down at you surprised. You then leaned back and spread you legs.
        "Prep me and then do what ever you heart desires, Matthias~" you said and blushed lightly... He let out a grunt in reply and then put his lips up against your vagina. He started inserting his though and kissing it. You unknowingly started to buck your hips. He let out a laugh, and then inserted three fingers to start out with. You gasped and covered your face as a moan tried to over take you. He pumped much quicker than he did in the bathroom. So this,in turn, sent a whole new feeling throughout your body. You let out tiny moans of pleasure. He then pulled out. You let out a whimper.
        "Ready or not Y/n, here I come~" he cooed to you and pushed slowly inside of you. With and yelp, you grabbed the sheets as tears started to prick the corners of your eyes. Once he was all the way in he leaned down and kissed your tears away and murmured sweet Danish nothings into your ear. You lightly moved once you were ready for him to go on.
        He then pulled three fourths way out and thrust back into you with all of his force. You let out a yelp as he did so, but it only took a few thrusts before you had adjusted to the movement.
        "Scream for me..." he whispered into your ear as he continued to thrust. you then yelled out his name when he started using more force and quicker thrusts. He kissed your neck and tried to find your sweet spot as he continued to thrust. Once he did he sucked and bit down on that particular area. Soon a large knott formed in your stomach.
        "M... M-Matthias... I feel odd..." You said between breaths as the knott seamed to grow and send odd feeling through your body.
        "No worries, you will feel very good soon... Just wait..." he whispered back between thrusts.  After several more thrusts your insides tightened and liquids flowed out of you.
        "Y/n!!" he gasped and before he could pull out his warm semen filled your stomach. You moaned in pleasure.
        He collapsed on top of you and breathed hard.
        "Y-Y/n... You were... Ooh... I'm sorry... For not pulling out in time." he said his words seemed slurred to a point.
        "It's fine..." you laughed. "... But thank you..."
       "For what?"
       "For being my first." you told him happily and got under the cover.
        "Well... You're welcome, but it was no problem really!"
        "Matthias... I think I-" he cut you off.
        "I love you Y/n... I really do..." he trailed off.
         "I love you too." you told him and then scooted closer to him and burried your face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and then you both went to sleep.

You know... I never noticed, but when I edit my chapters(I am just now recognising it...) I am really bad about putting you instead of your when need be.
Ex: You took off you shirt.

Instead of

You took off your shirt.

I think it makes me sound illiterate XD

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