GerIta Lemon

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Italy yelled outside of Germany's door. Terrified of something- not the unusual. Germany sighed and slowly walked to the door and just slightly cracked the door. Not even seconds later, Italy slings the door open and glomps Germany. Tears running down his face.
        "Vat's vrong Italy?" He asked the crying Italian sternly. Italy just spit out words rambling... Only some of it could be understood.
        "*ramble* England *ramble* Allies *ramble* pasta *ramble* tricked me *ramble* hamburgers *ramble* I-A BARELY MADE IT OUT ALIVE!!! Germany!!!" Italy was now quietly, for a change, sobbing and rambling Italian nothings into Germany's chest. 'cute little Italian...' was all Germany could manage within his head.
        "It'll be fine..." Germany stated quietly and blushed. He picked the Italian up in a hug and plopped down on the couch. Italy sat on Germany's lap confused.
        "G-Germany?" Italy asked the handsome German confused. Germany gave him a weak smile and put his hand on Italy's head. Italy's eyes widened and his amber eyes met Germany's.
        "Italy..." Germany blushed.
        "VEH~" Italy hugs Germany happily.
        "Italy..." Germany trailed off... He let his hand fall from Italy's hair, but in the process hit his curl. Italy let out a shuttering gasp, blush covering his face.
        "Hey~ G-Germany... Don't be a tease! Do it some more~" He attempted to persuade the German. Germany blushed. 'Is... Is Zat vhat zhis curl does?!' He asked himself shocked... Hesitating he grabbed Italy curled, lightly, and gave it a tug. Italy buried his face in Germany's chest. He then rubbed his finger down the curl, trailing it to the tip. After doing so he then grabbed it between two fingers and rubbed it around. Italy was practically spazing  in pleasure at him doing so. Italy then plastered his lips to Germany's. Kissing him passionately. Germany sat there shocked at first but then melted into the kiss. Italy rolled in his lap so that each of his legs where on both sides of his lap. With his hands on Germany's chest, Italy leaned in for a kiss... The German first startled by the kiss, melted into it only moments later.
        Italy bit Germany's lip for entrance, he allowed. Italy stuck his tongue into his mouth, exploring the new territory. Germany moaned. Italy backed away, a suggestive smile covered his face. He looked down.
        "Teehee~" Italy laughed and then, only to be a tease sat down on Germany's lap. He winced at the added pressure to his erection.
        "Italy~" He moaned, his blue eyes looking at the Italian's body longingly. He then grabbing Italy and hurried to his room.
        He dropped Italy onto his bed and the small Italian let out a little gasp. Germany, on top of Italy, kissed him passionately. Italy let out a cute little noise and pushed Germany back. Germany now on his knees watched the Italian move in an agonizingly slow pace toward him. Italy then pounced on top of Germany, pushing him down. Germany let out a little grunt.
        "Veh~ Germany... Call me Feliciano while this lasts." He commanded the German. Germany nodded. Italy laughed, unbuckling Germany's pants and tore them off only leaving his boxers. Italy giggled and poked Germany's erection through his boxers. He then slowly, only to tease the German, took his boxers off. Italy smiled as his erection bounced up freely. Throwing Germany's boxers across the room, he giggled.
        "Looks like-a someone is-a happy to see-a me~" Italy stuffed Germany's penis into his mouth and started to pump slowly.
        "Feli... Feliciano... N... Not so... Slow..." Germany trailed off in pleasure. Italy, at his request, did just the opposite and went slower. Germany then tugged his curl sending a shock down Italy's spin. He was pumpimg much faster now. Germany let out moans of pleasure and every so often moaned Feliciano's name.
        "Feliciano!! I'm... Gonna c-!" It was too late. Germany had already came in him mouth. Feliciano licked his lips and Germany's penis in satisfaction. He then backed away and and tore off his shirt. Germany did the same.
        "Now... Luddy~ Fuck me and do it good~" Feliciano said maybe a little too suggestively because Germany seemed to be fueled by such a nick name. Pouncing on top of the sweet Italian, he kissed him. While in the process of kissing, Germany had taken off Feliciano's pants. Now parting from the kiss, he positioned himself at Felicano's anus.
        "Go on..." Feliciano said happily. Germany slowly pushed inside of the Italian.
        "A-ahh~ Ludwig!!" Feliciano let out a pained yet pleasured moan. Germany waited for him to adjust to his size. Feliciano nodded. Germany then began to thrust slowly and then faster.
        "Luddy... A-ah... You don't have to be so gentle~" Feliciano said between gasps. Germany then, blushing even worse than he already was, started to be more rough with the little Italian. Italy let out a long moan as Germany came. After a few slower and looser thrusts, Germany pulled out of Feliciano. He then grabbed the Italian's member and began to thrust.
        "Lud... Ahh... You don't-a have to... Ahhh~" Feliciano tried reassuring the German. Germany continued, happy to be pleasing his little Italian lover. Feliciano came. Germany then pulled him into a hug.
        "Veh~ Gratzi Luddy~ Ti amo mio Bello~" He said cheerfully.
        "I... I love jou too Feliciano..."

Author Note ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Hello Kitties~

I hope you liked it.

Also. The "Ti amo mio Bello" is just there by memory(I believe it is correct. If I'm not, lets humor me and pretend it is...) I am pretty sure I spelled everything right.(by everything I mean the Italian) but... It is supposed to say "I love you my handsome"
So... Yup ^_^

I hope you enjoyed!

I did my best (シ_ _)シ so I hope my best was good enough.

Write at you later kitties~
    -Nekoreaper13 (。・ω・。)ノ♡

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