Greece x Neko!Reader [Lemon]

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It is Saturday the 25th and guess what today is?
Saturday you say? Already been established.
The 25th you say? Also already established.
Greece's birthday you say? That had not yet been established. But you guessed it YAY! @0@ anyways~ my kitties~

Greece- Kitties? Y/n is a kitty?

Fisk- Y/n is what ever you want her to be~

Greece- yay... My kitty... *hugs Y/n*

Fisk- Aww lucky~ suppose you could have my handsome kitty for the day~ (also keep in mind he is the most sexually active country~ XD)

Enjoy kitties!! (。・ω・。)ノ♡
        You were asleep next to your very handsome boyfriend. He had his arms wrapped around you and was still asleep. You had just woke up as the sun filtered through the blinds. You stretched in his arms and he let out a cute moan and hugged you tighter. You twitched your ears in reply, then laid them flat as you yawned. Hercules woke up and looked down at you.
        "... My kitty..." he whispered and pulled you in even tighter that he already was. You lashed your tail under the blanket. You leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips. He smiled and then melted into the kiss. He let you go and the crawled on top of you. His legs were on either side of you. He leaned down and continued to kiss you violently. He then licked your bottom lip for entrance, you allowed. He at some point worked his way up your shirt. You gasped as he grabbed your breasts, your ears lying flat in response. He then removed his hands and then his gaze found his way to your ears. He smiled. He then pet your ears, extremely pleased. You closed you eyes in pleasure.
        "Y/n... Can I make you my kitty?" He asked. It took a minute for you register what he meant. A blush covered your face and you twitched your ears.
        "Embarrassed or agitated?" he asked.
        "... Embarrassed... It would be my first time..." you trailed off. He smiled.
        "All the more reason for me to take action and make you mine." He stated. You looked away and then kissed him.
        "Okay... I'm all yours." You said. He smiled and then removed your clothes. He only started in his boxers. Once all you had on was your underwear he started to massage your breasts while kissing you. After several minutes of this, he brought his face to your breasts and then started to suck your right nipple. He ran his tongue around it in circles. After your nipple became from abuse, he switched and gave the other nipple the same treatment. After he was finished with your breasts he lifted back up and started kissing all around your neck. Leaving hickies. After each hickie he would say 'mine' quietly under his breath. When he finally found your soft spot you let out a high pitched moan and you tail fluffed up. He then started to suck and prod it with his tongue. When he felt that he had gave you the full treatment he moved down to your underwear. He ripped them off startling you at his sudden action. He stuffed his face into you crotch and started eating you out. He prodded his tongue in and out of your vagina with much expertise. Once he parted there was a trail left behind by juices and spit. He smiled as he leaned forward and gave you one last deep lick. You shivered and bucked your hips into his face. He lifted up and made eye contact with you.
        "That impatient are we, Y/n?" he asked in a mocking voice. You let out a little chuckle.
        "Suppose we are~" You cooed back. He smiled and gave a little laugh.
        "Then lets finish with the foreplay~" he finished and then positioned himself at your entrance. "Just relax Y/n... It will... Hurt at first, but the pain will be replaced with pleasure..." he trailed off. You nodded and he then started pushing himself inside of you. You let out low cries. He stopped.
        "N-no... Keep going..." You said trying to reassure him. He looked you in the eyes, then looked away and continued to push himself inside of you. When he had finally pushed himself as far as he could go he stopped to let you adjust.
        When he had saw that you were in tears he leaned forward and kissed them away, then he kissed you afterward and then waited for your approval of movement. When you had finally nodded he pulled him self two thirds out and then slammed back into you. You let out a high pitched moan mingled with pain and pleasure. He continued to do this until all of your moans were filled with pure pleasure. He lifted you up onto the head of the bed and slammed into you.
        "H-Hercules!!" You moaned out as you came on his member. A few moments later he came after you yelling your name. He collapsed on top of you and laid limply on top of you.
        At this point all of Hercules's cats were staring over the edges of the bed...

And so was Turkey.

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