England x Japan[Lemon]

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I changed my keyboard for motivation XD (can be seem above^ I love America... Alfred my bb!! I can't wait till you're birthday... Hmm... Maybe I won't teehee~)
Alfred: Creep... *Inches away*
Fisk: Oh no you don't!! *magically pulls handcuffs out of thin air and cuffs him to a pole(which also appears out of thin air)*
Fisk: *insane voice* NoW yOu Can NEveR LeaVe Me~
Alfred: Y/n... Help plz~
Y/n: Nope this looks like a good show~
Alfred: You're cruel *starts to sob*
Fisk: You're so precious... I LOVE YOU!!
Y/n & Alfred: ... Get a life.
Fisk: Hahaha!! Good idea!! Where do they sell them??

Arthur decided he was going to go and visit Kiku for a few days while they both were free. It had been a long time since they had spent time together, just the two of them.
Arthur knocked on Kiku's door.
"Kiku!! You home?" He yelled through the door. Then he noticed there was a note on the door. I should have noticed that sooner... Heh...

Sorry, I may not be here when you arrive, there was a sudden sale at the super market that I just couldn't refuse or miss. I hope you can understand the urgency that I had to take. I called your phone but there was no answer. Once again, my dearest apologies. You can let yourself in. The key is under the mat. I also left everything you need to make tea in the kitchen. I also sat out a cup for you. Make yourself at home.

Arthur sighed and got the key out from under the mat.
"The supermarket, eh? I suppose I would have gone as well..." Arthur spoke to himself. Now to make some tea!!
He walked and and brewed some tea. He then sat it on the counter to cool some. While the tea was cooling, he was going to settle in his room. Once he finished he grabbed one of his books and his tea then sat down on the couch. Once he finished his tea, he curled up on the couch to read. He fell asleep shortly after.
Kiku returned home ten or so minutes after Arthur had fallen asleep. He walked up to the sleeping Brit and put his hand to his cheek.
Kiku smiled at this sight. He looks so peaceful... Like a child... Heh~ .... Oh... He must have fallen asleep while reading... I'll just put the book away... Kiku gently slid the book out of Arthur's hand, put a book mark in it, and then sat it on the table. Kiku sat on the couch next to Arthur and kept shooting glances in his direction. He blushed, stood up, and then rushed off to his room. Arthur woke only moments after Kiku had fled... For an unknown reason. (Yeah, he totally didn't have a boner and then went to deal with it using hentai... Ha!! That could NEVER happen.) He got up and walked to the Japanese man's room.
Very tidy! He thought and then stepped into the room. The fist thing he noticed was Kiku... At the computer desk, head phones on, thrusting violently, and a panting mess. Arthur smiled, getting off from this he walked up to the oblivious Japanese man and removed his head phones. Kiku gasped and suddenly stopped thrusting.
"Let me help you with that~" Arthur told him suggestively and spun the chair around.
"A... A-arthur??" Kiku asked questionably. The Brit smiled.
"Yes?" He asked and lifted Kiku out of the chair. He sat him down on the bed and kissed him violently.
"W-what are you doing?!" Kiku yelped, blush covered his face.
"Having fun... Do you not like it?" He asked, blush covering his face after noticing what he had said. But that won't stop him.
"W... Werr... I don't disrike it..." Kiku muttered and turned his head to the side. Arthur laughed.
"You're so cute when you're blushing..." Arthur whispered to Kiku and the turned his face to meet his.
"A-arthur?" Kiku questioned.
"Can we do it?~" The Brit asked in an extremely hot(and fangirl inducing) voice. Kiku gasped and then looked away again. He hesitated then nodded. Arthur smiled and then removed his shirt and pants, revealing a slim, fit, and slightly muscular body. Kiku blushed and lifted up removing his own shirt. He then slid his pants off. Arthur leaned down and licked Kiku's nipple. He let out a shuddered moan and glanced at the Brit. He was also blushing. Kiku shifted and then pushed Arthur over. He grinded himself against Arthur and kissed him. He moved to his neck and started searching for his sweet spot. And doing so Arthur began to moan uncontrollable. Kiku smiled and then gently bit down before parting from the Englishman. Arthur pushed Kiku back down with a great amount of force, making him squeak(I want to hear Japan squeak... ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) he ripped off Kiku's boxers and started to pump him cock with a quick and steady motion. He moaned with lust.
After several short minutes Kiku started to breath rougher.
"A... Arthur... I am going to cu- Ooah~" He was interrupted by a pleasured moan as he came. Arthur licked up the cum from Kiku's penis, he also took his finger and started to prep Kiku. He pushed into his anus with him pointer finger to start with. Kiku let out small moans of pain and pleasure. Arthur added more fingers over time until he made it to three. Once he saw Kiku fit to continue he rolled him over and began to push in. Arthur grunted while Kiku cried out in pain and grabbed the sheets. Once Arthur had made it all the way in he leaned over Kiku's back and blew into his ear, Kiku shivered.
"You're under my spell now~" Arthur cooed and then began to thrust into Kiku. Kiku cried out until the pain was replaced with great pleasure. He then moaned out. Arthur, fueled by Kiku's moans, started to thrust faster and harder into Kiku.
"Yes!! Arthur~ I am indeed under your sperr!" He moaned out and Arthur smiled.
"Good to hear... Now... Get ready." Arthur moaned and thrust into Kiku one last time, as deep as he could go and released his semen. Kiku moaned loudly as this happened. He collapsed onto the bed as Arthur pulled out of his anus. kiku huffed on the bed and rolled over to face Arthur. Arthur smiled and crawled next to Kiku and kissed him.
"I love you, Kiku..." Arthur purred.
"I..." Kiku blushed, "I love you, too, Arthur..." He trailed off and looked into Arthur's emerald green eyes.
"... So cute..." Arthur whispered and gave Kiku one last kiss before going to sleep.

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