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         Lukas and Emil where sitting on the couch by themselves. The other Nordics had gone out, Mr. Puffin included. With a sigh Emil stood up and walked to the kitchen. Lukas followed him with his gaze. Emil walked into the kitchen. Lukas followed silently close after. Emil them pulled a large bag of licorice out of the cabinet. Lukas smiled and walked up behind him. He then embraced his younger brother in a enveloping hug. Emil jumped and dropped the licorice.

        "L-Lukas?! What are you doing?!" Emil gasped in question. Lukas let out a puff breath against Emil's neck. He shuddered and tried to struggle out of his brother's grasp, "Luaks!! What is the matter with you?" he whined in question. Lukas let out a little sigh.

        "Nothing is the matter... I just... Wish you would go along with me sometimes..." he trailed off a little upset.

        "It isn't that I don't want to go along with you. I don't want to others to judge." Emil told his brother bluntly and then blushed, "Wait!! Ahh-- I mean... Ugh!" Emil was now extremely flustered. Lukas smiled lightly and turned Emil around in his arms. He then buried his face in the hair of his younger brother. Emil sighed and then fell into his brothers chest and went limp.

        Lukas then grabbed Emil's chin and lifted his face up to look into his eyes, "You're so cute..." he told Emil, making him blush. He smiled and then leaned down, planting his lips onto his brothers. Lukas pushed Emil up against the closest wall. With a little moan Emil wrapped his arms around Lukas's neck to deepen the kiss. Lukas pressed his erection against Emil's. Emil moaned out of the kiss and hung limply onto his brother. Lukas picked Emil up bridal style and carried him to his room. He sat him down gently and crawled on top of him. Lukas leaned down and kissed Emil gently, he then grinded against his brother. Emil moaned and then started to unbutton his shirt. Lukas removed his own shirt. Emil started to slip off his pants and Lukas decided to help. Once his boxers and pants were both missing Lukas leaned down and began to give his younger brother oral. Emil moaned and bucked his hips wantingly.(heh you all thought that Norway was dominate.) Emil leaned against the head board and Lukas sucked his penis.

        Emil entagled his hands in his brother's hair and moaned, his half lidded eyes were glazed with lust, "B-big brother~ More, please- ooah~" He moaned as he came in Lukas's mouth. He backed and swallowed. Afterwards he wrapped his arms around Emil.

        "Thank you." Lukas stated with more emotion than normal and then kissed Emil. Emil tugged on Lukas's pants and whined out of the kiss. Lukas laughed and unbuckled his pants and slid them off. Emil looked down at his immense size.

        "Ah! Big Brother?" Emil looked at him in question.

        "Yes?" Lukas asked.

        "May I??" He asked and then blushed. Lukas smiled.

        "Yes. You may..." he trailed off, a bit of blush dusted his cheeks. Emil rolled his brother over and then slowly incerted himself.

        "Ah!" Emil gasped as he pushed in until he could't go any further. He collapsed on top of his brother, taking time to recover and let his brother adjust. Once he had adjusted he pulled half way out and then slammed back into his big brother. He continued to thrust, Emil then after several thrust pushed Lukas up against the head board and thrust harder. Lukas held one hand over his mouth trying to keep his moans contained.

        "Scream for me~" Emil cooed to his brother. Emil then wrapped his arm around Lukas's waist and started to thrust his penis, "Scream." he commanded. Lukas then moaned loudly.

        "ahh~ E-emil!!" He yelped as he came. Emil then continued to thrust. He thrust for almost two more minutes before he came.

        "Ahh!! Big Brother~~" Emil yelled as he came. He then collapsed on top of Lukas. They both laid there panting for several minutes. Lukas rolled over to look up at Emil. He pulled him closer and wrapped him in a hug. He kissed him gently and then worked his way from Emil's lips down his jaw line to his collar bone. When he was finished he looked up at Emil and gave him a smile. Emil blinked and blushed in return.

        "Thank you for this. I love you... I love you very much." Lukas told Emil and then wrapped him in a tighter hug.

        "I..." Emil blushed, "I love you too..." he trailed off and he blushed even darker.

        "The others will be back soon... Lets get cleaned up." Lukas told Emil and led him to the bathroom after getting clothes.


        "EMIL!!!" Tino yelled from the kitchen after he arrived back. Emil peaked around the corner into the kitchen and stared at Tino with a tired look.

        "Yes?" he asked with a very tired voice.

        "Why is your licorice bag in the floor." Tino asked and pointed to the bag in the floor. Emil looked down and then looked back up at Tino.

        "It is Big Brother's fault..." He trailed off and left the room. Tino sighed and put the bag back into the cabinet. Then he suddenly stopped. 'Big Brother'? Did Emil... Just call Lukas 'Big Brother'?!

        "Something must have happened..." Matthias said from the counter while making coffee.

        "Yes... Something did indeed happen." Lukas said when he walked into the kitchen with a towel over his shoulders.

        "Wha??!" Tino yelped. Lukas nodded, smiled, and walked out of the room.

The remaining Nordics just stared at one another fantasizing what may have happened.

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