Hungary x Reader[Lemon special]

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        Ding- dong- dong- ding (like my door bell noise? Heh)
        Roderich was the one to answer the door.
        "Ah. Velcome, Y/n." He greeted you.
        "Hello, Austria. How has your day been? Has the playing been nice?" you asked him in reply.
        "My day has been lovely, zhank you for asking. So come in," He moved out of the door way to let you pass, "If by playing... Jou mean zhe piano. Zhat has also been lovely." He smiled at you. (Jeez... Anyone mind if I use this part of the before plot on the Austria x Reader??? That is cute!! I love Austria... His english voice actor is Chuck Huber... He is also the voice actor of Stein!! Not to mention is Japanese voice actor also has a very nice voice~)
        "That is good then!" You replies cheerfully. "Is Elizabeta around?? She told me that she wanted me to come around this time... It is her birthday after all..." You trailed of thinking of your good friend...
        "Yes, she should be in her room. Ludvig is coming over to bake zhe cake... Ve have also forbidden Arthur to come before zhe party starts, or to go into zhe kitchen..." Austria trailed off, suddenly thinking up all the horrible disasters that could come of Arthur's cooking.
        "Aww... The poor guy... If someone would help him learn I am sure that he would be able to catch on quickly and become a good cook. He does try so hard... Though his efforts never seem help him reach satisfaction..." You trailed off.
        "Ja, indeed. It is a shame..." He nodded. "Elizabeta should be vaiting for you." he urged you to go ahead and spend some time with her before the others came. You gladly headed off to her room.(is it bad I went back to the Belgium x Reader for reference?? XD)
        You knocked on her door.
        "Come in!" She yelled. You opened the door, walked in and closed it behind you. When you turned around you saw Elizabeta in a low cut tank-top without a bra, and a pair of plain, White, cotton panties.(does simplicity sound bliss? No? Okay... :'I) she turned around to look at you. She smiled and walked over to you.
        "I had a feeling it vould be jou instead of him. If it vere him he vould of got flustered and left. I vould have explained my action as zhinking of him as a brother... Not zhat it vould asses zhe situation in anyway... So I am glad zhat it was jou... Now... Do jou know vhat I vant for my birthday??" she explained and then asked you. You shook your head.
        "I wasn't too sure... But I figured you would like a new frying pan... Or maybe some fighting equipment..." she shook her head... And then rethought​ her gesture.
        "Now... Zhe frying pan does sound nice... But zhat is not vhat I'm going for... Y/n... I vant jou..." She said as a blush cover her face. She picked up a bag out of the closet and inside was a strap on.
        "For my birthday I vant to make love vith jou!! Y/n please..." she asked you in a light and begging voice. She was itching for some action. Lucky her, so were you.
        "You don't have to ask me twice..." you muttered and then walked up to her. You took your index finger and lifted her chin to face you. You planted your lips onto hers. She tensed but then melted into the kiss. You walked her to the bed while kissing her, and before you pushed her onto the bed you pulled off her shirt and panties. You also pulled of all of your clothes except for your bra and panties. Once you had her pushed onto the bed you hooked the strap on around your waist and in the correct spots. After adjusting it you started to prep her. Once you saw her fit to continue, you pushed inside of her. She arched her back and moaned as you did so. Once you were as far as you could go, you pulled almost all the way out and the slammed back into her. She let out a yelp of surprise and you continued to do so. You leaned over and and then started to kiss her violently.  After several minutes of doing so and kissing she came. You pulled and removed the strap on. You threw it over the edge of the bed snd continued to kiss her. She lifted up and removed your bra. She massaged you breasted and kissed your neck, searching for your sweet spot. You moaned once she did.
        She abused the area until is red with abuse. She kissed you passionately and then worked her way down all the way to your stomach. She then slid down your panties and started to kiss and prod her tongue in and out of your vagina.  After several minutes of doing this you reached down and lifted head head up and away from your woman hood. She stared at you with her beautiful green eyes.(so much respect for green eyes... I love them) You pulled her towards you and gave her a hug.
        "I love you Elizabeta... Very much..."
You told her.
        "I love you too, Y/n."
        Gilbert starred in through Elizabeta's window.
        "Kesesese~ I vish I had my camera~" he laughed and Gilbird chirped three times in response.

I love Prussia. Lol

Anyways. I went to sleep about three thirds through this lemon and then didn't wake up until 2:15 p.m. YIKES!!
I should be going into signal tomorrow if not today, and if I don't go into signal either of those days. Then you will get all of this on Sunday.


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