Hey guys.

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I really, REALLY don't want to do this. But you guys... I am so behind you wouldn't- no you would believe. Especially if you've been reading since the beginning. Sally. You were one of my first readers, and I don't have signal at the moment so I can't put your actual profile name. I'm sorry, but you have no idea how much I appreciate your reading. I am going to put this story on hold. *everybody screams including me*

Yeah, I said it. I'm putting it on hold. Until I get fully caught up. In writing(not updating), I feel like I am back in the groove of lemons, and used to the flow of highschool and marching band I will. I repeat I will be back and I will do my best to never do this to you guys again. I know I am ending this book on Russia's birthday. Who knows. If I feel sad that I have left this book, I may come back and do some random stuff, or just complete recommendations.

So. Give me some time. Lately I've been considering to go to a councilor... So. Yeah I have a lot going on, though about the councilor I'll probably just end up not going and continue to be the twisted person I am.


Please forgive me for the hold and trust me. I will be back as soon as I can. I promise!

I love you guys. I will be writing back at you guys later. P.S. There is a ugly picture of me for you guys. Don't know why I felt the need to let you guys see but... There you go.  ^_^
Yours truly,

Hetalia LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now