... Wut??

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You thought you were just getting that weird gag chapter today?? What??? Who said so? You thought you were?? Well YOU WERE WRONG!!
I think I've been taunting you guys with Author Notes lately so I figured I'd give you a chapter to quench you lemon thirst. So here you go~
(P.S. I'll try to update these on Monday but... Uh well... If my mom doesn't pay my bill before 4 o'clock then you won't get it till Tuesday. I'm sorry ;-;

America x Reader[Lemon special]

        You were relaxing on Alfred's couch listening to music. The TV was turned off and you had the radio playing. You tapped your foot on the arm of the couch to the beat, though you were unfamiliar with the song itself. Regardless the beat was obvious, just like any other song. Alfred walked in and leaned on the door frame. You glanced at him and smiled gently.
         "Hey," you greeted him, "what are you up to?" you asked him over the music, even thought it wasn't too loud. He walked over to the radio and shut it off.
        "Being curious why you don't just put a CD in," he grimaced at the repetitive song that had came on, "Artists these days don't know how creat good music..." He trailed off looking at you.
        "Hmm?" You hummed at him, "Is there something the matter?" you asked him, your eyes meeting his. He smiled and shook his head.
        "No, there's nothin' wrong. You?" He reassured you and then asked in return.
        "Yes, I'm fine." you told him and then sat up and pulling your feet to your chest. He, receiving the signal, sat down next to you. You smiled at him and leaned on his shoulder. He put his head on yours and exhaled.
        "You sure you're alright?" You asked him, "You seem less... Energetic today..." You trailed off, giving hid a worried look. He put his index finger under your chin, leaned in, and gave you a passionate kiss. When the two of you parted he hugged you tightly.
        "Alfred?" You asked, blushing into his shirt.
        "I want to know if you'll be mine forever," he paused, "and never be anyone else's. Just mine," he stated and released you, keeping hold of your forearms.
        "Yes... I'd love to be yours forever," you told him and blushed even darker. He chuckled and kissed you again. You melted into the kiss and held him close.
         You pushed him onto his back and removed his shirt. You trailed your index finger down the center of his chest and then leaned down breathing hot air onto his hardened nipples. You licked his left nipple and then kissed it. He let out heavy breaths and stared at you. You sucked, licked, and kissed his left nipple. You soon moved to his right. After several minutes on his right nipple a moan escaped his lips. He then growled and covered his face in embarrassment. You moved down to undo his pants and removed them. You rubbed his erected penis through his boxers. He was letting out breathy gasps.
        "Do you hear that?? It sounds very wet~" You smiled and then crawled back on top of him. You kissed him hard and grinded against his erected penis. You ran your hand though his hair, insuring that you caught his cow-lick in the process. He let out a grunt and jolted up, grabbing both of your arms.
        "You're in trouble now." Alfred told you in a dark and husky voice. You smiled and kissed his cheek.
        "Punish me then~" you cooed to him with lust in your voice.  He removed your shirt and then your bra with great haste, throwing the discarded clothing onto the floor.
        He pinned you down onto the couch by your wrists. He sucked and licked your breasts and nipples. You let out breathy moans as he did so. You could feel yourself getting aggressively wet. Alfred breathed on your neck and began to suck, searching for your sweet spot. Once he had found it you arched your back and let out moan. He then sucked and licked that area, making sure to leave his mark. Once he had finished with your neck he kissed you aggressively and removed you pants and panties, discarding them on the floor. He inserted his index finger, and added more fingers over time. Once you had begun to buck your hips into his hand he pulled his hand out of you and bit his knuckles, sucking your juices from his fingers. You let out a whimper disappointment as he pulled out of you. He then slid his boxers off. He let out a pained moan as he did so. Once all the pressure was released he let out a sigh of relief. He then spread your legs apart and pushed inside of you. You let out a pained yelp as he did so.
        "Just wait, pleasure will soon take the pain's place," he told you and kissed your tears away. Once you had adjusted he pulled out of you and then slammed back into you with great force. You yelped as he continued to thrust. You let out yelps and moans as he did so. He leaned back and pulled you on top of him. You then rode him, grinding against his penis as you moaned and drooled with pleasure.                                                    Alfred let out breathy moans as you gave him great pleasure.
         He suddenly gasped, grabbed you hips, and pulled you straight down onto his erected penis. He held his breath as he pushed you onto the arm of the couch on the opposite side of the couch. You yelped in surprise, but then wrapped your arms around his neck as he did so. You grunted as he came inside of you. His penis twitched violently. You came as he slowed down hid final thrust.
        Alfred collapsed back on the couch. You crawled on top of him and gave his a gently kiss.
        "Thank you," you told him.
        "Don't thank me," he countered, "I love you. You don't have to thank me," he told you, his eyes locking with yours.
        "I love you, Y/n," he repeated.
        "I love you too," you paused,"more than you could ever imagine."



So did your thirst get quenched?? I hope so!

Anyways, I hope that was refreshing for you all. Like I said in the past, I hope to be back soon. This is not my mark of being back.
I had almost forgotten the rush of writing... Really. It is weird how much I get into when I write. I literally shake and react to what I write.(the shaking is probably arousals​ haha... I didn't just say that!)

Anyways. I hope you enjoyed.

Also!! I need to thank the amazing BL manga that I recently found and am currently waiting for volume six to be translated(somewhat patiently, but at the same time not so patiently...)
Anyways! That BL is Ten Count. I will be pulling details from certain scenes periodically to use because they are sexy and I love them~

Well, like I said:
This is not my mark of being back, but even so, I do indeed hope to be back soon.

Write at you later

Hetalia LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now