USUK [Lemon]

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        Alfred was sitting in his office bored out of his mind. He had already done all the paper work that was required of him, and he couldn't leave until eight. It was six now. Suddenly there was a knock on his door.
        "Come in!" Alfred yelled, frustrated. It was Arthur.
        "I had some paper work for you..." he trailed of.
        "Had?" Alfred asked.
        "Oh... Sorry. Should have reworded that differently. I still have it." He explained and then sat down in front of him. Alfred sighed, removed his glasses, and looked at Arthur. The Brit blushed and looked away. Alfred cocked his head.
        "Is... Something the matter? Where is the paper work?" Alfred asked. Arthur looked back at Alfred.
        "No... Nothing is the matter. Here." He handed Alfred the paper work. It was in a file folder. 'Yes...nothing is the matter except for that you are so handsome and I am in love with you...' Arthur thought to himself only wishing that he could say it aloud. He sat there waiting for the American to comment on the... 'Paper work'. America quickly flipped through sheets of notebook paper. Then he stopped... He glanced up at Arthur and put his glasses back on. Letting his eyes adjust he looked down at the...
        "... Were those... Confessions? And... Is..." he cleared his throat and blushed, "A marriage registration form?" he trailed off staring at the British man. Arthur blushed and nodded hesitantly. Alfred... Smiled? Yes, he smiled.
        "Alfred... I may have raised you like a son but I have always felt more than fatherly love for you, once you started to mature... I have said so many mean and distasteful things to you... I am very sorry... Alfred... I..." he trailed off blushing, the words getting stuck in his throat. He looked Alfred into his light blue eyes desperately. Alfred... Leaned across the desk and plastered his lips to Arthur's. The Brit was surprised at first and then automatically melted into the kiss. Arthur then crawled across the desk without breaking the kiss. Papers fell to the floor. He crawled into Alfred's lap and continued to kiss him. Alfred backed out of the kiss smiling.
        "Teehee~ I love you too Arthur..." He looked down and smiled. "Suppose you're not the only one happy to see me~" He then poked Arthur's erection through his pants. Arthur blushed and grabbed Alfred's hand. With a smirk Alfred pushed his hand down onto the Englishman's tent. Arthur gasped. The American then rubbed the erection. Arthur began to pant and lean on Alfred's shoulder. He then sat Arthur up onto his desk and unzipped his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers. Alfred wrapped his lips around Arthur's hard member. With a gasp, Arthur grasped his lover's shoulders. Alfred bobbed his head back and forth around Arthur's erected member. With a moan and no warning, Arthur came in Alfred mouth. The American swallowed all of it and then  unzipped his own pants letting his erected friend free.
        Alfred pulled Arthur into his lap and without warning pushed inside of his anus. Arthur gasped and he sank onto Alfred penis. As soon as he was adjusted he nodded to the American, he automatically started to thrust. He was rough.
        "A-alfred.... Ahh~ You... Feel so good~" The Englishman managed to say between gasps and moans. With no warning Alfred suddenly stood up and slammed Arthur against a wall. He gasped as more of Alfred large member went deeper into him. Alfred kept this up for almost ten minutes, being the strong sexy country he is~. Arthur came on their chest moaning  Alfred's name in the process. Alfred, whom had a high tolerance, had not came yet. He was starting to get tired. Suddenly he sort of dropped Arthur onto his penis in turn going deeper than he already was(still holding him up) finally came. He slipped himself out of Arthur, whom sunk to the floor. Alfred grabbed a tissue and cleaned his member. He threw the box to Arthur, whom needed it. He was exhausted and just sat there. Alfred sighed and re-situated himself, walked over to the Brit and started to clean him up.  Once he was finished he handed Arthur his pants and boxers.
        "You'll need these..." He winked. Arthur sighed. Pulled his pants and boxers on, and re-situated himself. He then kissed Alfred and walked to the door grabbing the handle, but before he could do so, Alfred yelled.
        "Haha~ Go on to my house," he threw Arthur the house key. "The hero with come save you around 8:30!"


Nekoreaper: Yaay~ it is done. On time!!!

America: Why... Is that important?

England: Haha... Because Nekoreaper is always late. So considering that she was on time is good.

Nekoreaper: btw... What do you two think I should use for my name? I am tempted on Sinnamon over Blair but... Idrk...

England: ...

America: Don't you have friends you could ask about that?

Nekoreaper: T0T That was a blunt question!!
.... Wait!

England: What?

Nekoreaper: teehee...

America: *obviously confused*

Nekoreaper: I'll be Fisk!! Yay! Thanks for mentioning friends America!!

America: oh... So you DO have friends.

Fisk: ... Yes... I do.

America: huh who knew?

England: You git!! You're so rude!!


Fisk: =_=

England: Umm... Fisk. This has lasted long enough.

Fisk: Welp... Bye- bye my kitties (。・ω・。)ノ♡

(Fisk means "fish" in Norwegian. My friends are great. XD)

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