Chapter 2: Camp Rock (Edited)

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It was 8:00 in the morning and Elsa was packing her things. Today was their first day of summer; they were all going to camp rock, well except for her Dad. He was going on a business trip to Australia. Elsa, Anna and their mother, Ally were the only ones that were going to camp rock. Steven already left, 7:00 in the morning.

Elsa finished packing; this was going to be the best summer ever, as long as that prince Jackson doesn't ruin it, everything will be fine.

"Elsa, hurry up!" called Anna from downstairs. "We are leaving. We have to be there before the prince."

Elsa frowned. What is it with Anna and the prince? He's just a guy.
Elsa grabbed her things and went downstairs where Anna was waiting for her. Elsa was wearing a white top with black stripes, black skirt and white sneakers, her hair was curled down her hips.

Anna was wearing blue faded shorts with boots and a sleeveless top, her hair was straight down her back reaching her elbows

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Anna was wearing blue faded shorts with boots and a sleeveless top, her hair was straight down her back reaching her elbows.

Anna was wearing blue faded shorts with boots and a sleeveless top, her hair was straight down her back reaching her elbows

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"Come on, lets go!" said Anna excitedly. They both went out and hopped on the car. Elsa and Anna were sitting at the back, Ally was driving and they were all headed straight to camp rock.


Jack and Emma were at the palace gates with the I mother.

"Jack, do you have everything?" questioned Queen Taylor. "Are you sure you didn't forget anything?"

"Yeah Mom, I'm sure," assured Jack. He wasn't really sure he should be going, but he already told his mother that he's going, he can't back down now.

"Oh they're here!" said Emma. A white bus parked right at the front gate where Jack was standing.

The door opened and out came a guy wearing black jeans and white collar shirt, brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hey Jack!" said the guy. "Sorry for keeping you waiting,"

"Hey Flynn," greeted Jack back. Flynn helped Jack with the suitcases into the bus. "So, what took you guys so long?" asked Jack.

The Prince☆ and The Rocker 🎤 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now