Chapter 28: Finding Out (Edited)

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"Hey Anna," called Merida, running towards Anna. Anna stopped and turned around.

"What is it?"

"Well, Punzel and I've been talking, why don't we have a bonfire?"

"Bonfire?" asked Anna with a raised eyebrow. Merida nodded. "That's good, we could have it tonight."


"We need to tell everyone."

"No problem." Merida walked up the porch. "Hey everyone!" called Merida, since she has a high voice, everyone halted and turned their attention towards her. "We're all having a bonfire tonight!" Everyone cheered.

Merida walked back down to Anna. "There, everyone knows." Anna shook here head, laughing.


"That's good!" said Brando, clapping his hands. Jack and Elsa had just finished with the recording.

"Well done," said North, smiling at the two.

"The song is good," said Brando as Jack and Elsa came out.

Brando went and stood next to Elsa. Elsa, "I knew your voice was good, but hearing it now just made my day."

Jack frowned.

Elsa giggled. "I'm glad."

I need to put a stop to this, thought Jack.

"Hey Elsa, do you-"he was interrupted by Brando.

"Do you want to have lunch?" Brando smiled sweetly at Elsa.


"Great." He led Elsa out of the recording room.

Jack was fuming with anger. How dare he? He hates being interrupted.

"Jack, come let's go have lunch," said North.

"I'm not hungry." Jack said and walked away angrily.

North shook his head. "What's up with him?"

Jack stormed to the back of the building. He took his phone and dialed Flynn's number.

F - Hey Jack! It's way too early to call, did you win her over already?

J -I wish. Flynn, we got a problem! The devil is getting in my way.

F - The devil? Is daylight, I thought devils only come out at night.

J - Well unfortunately this devil just broke the rule.

F - *Chuckles* Okay Jack, who's he? Is it Brando?

J - Yes

F - Oh wow, it is a big problem. Brando is good-looking, any girl would fall for him, maybe Elsa has already fallen for him.

J - You're not helping me at all!

F - Sorry, what happened?

J - He started acting all gentlemanly, he even had the nerve to flirt with her and what's worse is that she even flirted back!

F - Okay Jack, calm down. I'm sure Elsa won't go that easy on him.

J - One moment ago, you said she'd fallen for him.

F - I said maybe. Don't worry, Elsa won't fall for him that easily.

J - And what makes you think she would fall for me in one night.

F - I don't know, just instincts.

J - Seriously? Maybe that instinct of yours is wrong.

F - My instinct is always right.

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