Chapter 6: We Can't Back Down (Edited)

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The sun raised in the morning at camp rock. All the campers were in the room where they used to have their lunch; they were waiting for what North's going say about what's going to happen to the camp. They were all worried.

"You guys, it's going to be okay," said Punzel, trying to stop their worrying. "I mean North's a smart guy, he can figure something out."

"Thank for the vote of confidence, Punzel," said North as he came to them. "Guess I don't have to get everyone's attention. So the good news is and it really warms my heart, we lost very few campers last night."

Everyone clapped there hands. "That's right," said Wasabi as he and Hiro did their handshake.

"But we did loose quite few of our remaining staff," said North sadly. "Which means, I can't believe I'm about to say this, camp rock is closed, we'll evacuate immediately."

Elsa looked at him in disbelief. She thought he was going to do something to make everything alright but telling them to leave, it's just not what she expected.
Everyone was saying no and looking disappointed.

"No you have to believe me, I truly got no other option," said North. "I'll start calling parents as soon as we're done here...which I guess is now, I'm sorry," he sighed and left.

"North wait, guys," said Flynn, he and the boys with Ally followed him out.

"Camp is over, but we just got here," said Anna.

"Is not his fault, I mean there's nothing he could do about it," said Merida sadly.

Elsa walked to the front and said, "But that doesn't mean that there is nothing that we can't do about it."

"Elsa-"said Punzel.

"No I'm serious," said Elsa trying to convince them. "This is our summer and we're not giving up or we're not backing down."

"I don't know Elsa," said Merida, shaking her head.

Elsa looked at Merida and sing to all of them...(A/N: The video is up on the media).

🎶We can't, we can't back down

Merida and the girls with some other boys sing with her...

🎵We can't, we can't back down

Elsa went to where some boys and girls, sitting on the stairs...

🎵We can't, we can't back down

They walked to where everyone was sitting at the table and they all followed Elsa and sing...

🎵We can't, we can't back down,
Not right now
We can't back down
Not right now,
We can't back down.

Aster (A/N: Aster is the name of Bunny in ROTG)got up and tried to walk away but Elsa grabbed his arm and he got back and sat down, while everybody else sat down.

🎶Oh, oh yeah

Peter walked past by Elsa, but Elsa grabbed his shirt and shook her head. While she grabbed his shirt everyone stood up.

🎶Don't close your eyes
We're all in this together

Peter went and sat by Anna and the rest too sat down. Areal and Alice were trying to go but Elsa stopped them from going.

The Prince☆ and The Rocker 🎤 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now