Chapter 26: Overboard (Edited)

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"Come on Elsa!" Anna gave Elsa the puppy dog eyes. "Please, I'm you're sister, you have to tell me."

"Anna, I'm going to say this to you again, and I do not want to repeat myself," Elsa turned to Anna. "You have to wait; it will just spoil the fun if I tell you."

Anna frowned and went to the other side of the table. Today was the day Elsa and Jack will sing the song they wrote. She was kind of nervous.

"Fine," pouted Anna.

"Thank you," said Elsa in relief. Anna's been bothering her all morning, wanting her to tell her what kind of song she and Jack were going to sing. Elsa sighed as she plays with her fingers, she wondered how Jack is doing. She quickly shook her head, she just saw him last night, she couldn't miss him already.


"So you ready to do this?" asked Hiccup.

Jack gave Hiccup a disbelief look, "When am I not ready?"

Hiccup shrugged. "Well you are about to go sing with the girl you love."

"Shush," Jack glared at Hiccup. "Somebody might year you."

"What? We're in our camp house, how can anybody hear us?"

"They could be eavesdropping behind the windows."

Hiccup opened the curtains, "See? No one."

"Fine to tell you the truth, I'm nervous as heck." Jack started to pace around. "I don't know what to do. If I see her again, I might just make a fool out of myself."

"Just calm down, and act natural."

"Easy for you to say," Jack dropped down on the couch.

Flynn walked in, "Everything is ready." He stopped when he saw Jack lying on the couch. "What's going on?"

"He's nervous," said Hiccup with a funny look.

Flynn blinked, and then he burst into laughter. "Jack? Nervous? I thought he never get nervous."

"Shut up!" glared Jack. In an instant, Flynn stopped laughing.

"Jack, come on. Just go out there and get this over with," said Hiccup.

Jack sighed, he stood up. "Okay I can do this."

Jack walked out of the house, followed by Flynn and Hiccup.
They arrived to where everyone was. Some staffs were fixing the stage. Chairs were lined up in a row.

Jack looked at the side of the stage, he eyes grew wide. Elsa was standing there with Punzel, talking. He could feel his heart beat faster, he gulped and turned around. Hiccup and Flynn gave him questioning looks.

"I take back what I said, I can't do this," said Jack. Before he could go, North came to them.
Great, thought Jack.

"Huh, glad to see you guys are here," said North. he raised an eyebrow, seeing how uneasy Jack was. "Is something wrong?"

"No," Jack faked a smile. But in his mind he was screaming, yes.

North smiled, "Okay we're going to start in twenty minutes." He turned and went away.

Jack sighed, "Come on guys." They went down to the stage.


Elsa saw Jack and the boys coming. She took a breath in. She hoped she won't be weird around him after what happened. Oh God! What will she do now? She wasn't ready to face him. She didn't tell the girls about what happened, they will ask question she didn't even wanna answer, especially Anna.

The Prince☆ and The Rocker 🎤 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now