Chapter 21: Kiss of life (Edited)

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Elsa's POV:

I ran down to the lake out of breath. I stopped behind the studio and looked around. Jack was nowhere, huh what is this? Here I am thinking I was late, but he is-

"Hey." I jumped and turned around. "You're late, again. I told you to be here in 1 but you arrived 20 minutes late." Jack looked at me with a frown.

"Well I overslept," I said scratching the back of my head. "Why do you want to meet up here anyway?"

Jack pointed behind me, I narrowed my eyes and turned around. Behind me was a white boat just near the lake. "Huh, are we really going on the boat?" I asked.

"Yeah," said Jack as he walked over to me, he came closer to me. I looked up nervously at him.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I asked. He smirked and brought both his hands up to me, I tried to step back but I stopped as he begun to straighten my hair.

He chuckled. "Why so tensed? I was only fixing your hair, your hair looked like you have just gotten out of a cat fight."

I blushed and pushed him away, "Well is your fault."

He rolled his eyes and mumbled, "You're blaming me again."

"I had to hurry up because I knew I was late and look at me now, I'm a mess." I spread open my arms so Jack could take a look at my messy self.

Jack smiled, "You know whether you believe me or not, you always look beautiful even when you're messy." I felt my cheeks heat up, no no I can't be blushing, not right now not right in front of him. Luckily for me Jack didn't noticed, he already went to the boat and started to push the boat to the water.

While he was pushing, I noticed his muscular arm tightened as he was pushing, I couldn't help but stare. The boat floated on the water, Jack looked back at me and I looked away before he could even realize that I was staring.

"Shall we?" he asked smirking. I nodded and went over to him. I brought my leg up to the boat, trying to climb up but I found it a little bit hard. I heard Jack let out a snicker, I frowned. Before I could ask him why he was laughing, I felt his strong hands lift me up the ground and put me safely on the boat. There was something about the way he lifted me, before I could remember who had lifted me up like that, Jack spoke, "Ready to go?"

He was sitting in front of me, "Is something wrong?" he asked me with a worried expression.

I shook my head in response, "Nothing, let's go."

Anna's POV:

I was wondering where Elsa had ran off to. She said she was late, what could she be late for?
Just than the door of our house opened. In came Punzel and Merida. "Hey you twos," I greeted them.

"What's up with Elsa?" asked Merida.

"Yeah, why was she in a hurry?" asked Punzel.

"Wait! You guys saw Elsa?" I asked them.

They both nodded, "Yeah she was running," said Punzel.

"Where did she go?" I asked.

"It looks like she was running down the lake," said Merida.

"Okay, let's follow her." They both nodded and we all went to follow Elsa. I opened the door to see Hiccup standing there.

"I don't think that's good idea," he said as he folded his hand.

"And why not?" we asked him in unison.

He smirked, "It's because she's with Jack right now as we speak."

The Prince☆ and The Rocker 🎤 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now