Chapter 30: Dance with Fireworks (Edited)

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Elsa went into the recording room after having lunch with Brando. He was a bit of a chatterbox, who seemed to annoy Elsa; she had to admit, some of his stories were interesting but she paid no attention.

She scanned the room and saw no one, no one but North who was sleeping beside a table filled with papers.

"North?" said Elsa, trying to wake him. "North..." Elsa didn't receive any reply except for a snore. She sighed. "He'll wake up at the right time."

She stood up and walked out of the recording room and closed the door. It's been a long day and she was feeling a bit sleepy.
She went in the elevator and pressed the fourth floor button. She waited patiently; just when the elevator reached the third floor, the elevator door opened and in came a man and woman who looked like they work here; she can tell by their uniforms.
They both started talking, completely unaware of Elsa.

"So you think she's going to be in his list?" asked the man.

The woman shrugged, "I don't know. He seems to be hitting on her."

The man sighed. "When will Mr Clark stop playing with girls? It's getting annoying!"

Elsa raised an eyebrow. Were they talking about Brando?

"Yeah, how many girls as it been now?" asked the woman.

"I lost track. Maybe 10 or 20."

Elsa's eyes widen. Is Brando really like that? Now that she thought about it, she remembered Brando making a move on her by putting his hand on her thigh but she shoved it away.

"Could be. He's too handsome for girls to resist him so he always has his way," said the woman.

The man growled, "If only I could punch his face and make it ugly will be good."

The woman laughed, "Yeah right! As if you would actually do that."
"I hope the girl would realise who he really his and leave him. She's way too pretty to be played like that," said the man.

The woman nodded in agreement. "Yeah, maybe she's dating that handsome white haired guy."

Elsa furrowed her eyebrows. Yeah right! As if Jack would go out with someone like me.

"Now that you mentioned it, that guy looks really familiar," said the man. "Could he be-"Elsa walked out of the elevator when it reached the fourth floor.

She went in her hotel room. She took off her shoes and jumped on the bed, "Huh finally! Now I can get some sleep."
She closed her eyes but snapped it open when she heard her phone buzzing. She growled and covered her face with the pillow as she ignored the call. But it kept on buzzing; she threw the pillow up and reached for her phone in her jeans pocket.
She answered it with an annoyed voice, she didn't bother looking at the number.

E - Hello

There came no response, she furrowed her eyebrows and tried again.

E - Hello?

J - Huh...hey Elsa.

Elsa's eyes widen when she recognized the voice.

E - Jack? I don't remember giving you my number.

J - *Laughing nervously* Yeah I got it from Punzel.

E - Why would she give you my number?

J - Because I asked her nicely.

E - Okay so...what do you want?

J - I huh...I want you to come to dinner with me.

Elsa eyes widen, she almost fell down from the bed.

The Prince☆ and The Rocker 🎤 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now