Chapter 3: Arrival (Edited)

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Merida was looking out the door; she noticed that not too many people were outside. "Where is everybody?" she wondered.

"I know, right?" agreed Elsa. "Its like barley anybody out there."

"I sure hope you've got something that we could do in the opening jam," said Punzel. "Cause if not, I got nothing,"

"Kinda, maybe, sort of, I don't know ..." said Elsa. The way she said it, they knew she got something.

"Can we hear it?" requested Merida.

"Sing it," begged Anna.

"Oh okay," Elsa gave in. She grabbed her songbook and scan threw the pages to find the small piece she wrote. "It's not finish."

"Its okay, come on," said Punzel.

"Come on," whined Anna.

"Nothing special..."

"Come on!" begged the girls.

Elsa sings...

🎶Last year's old news
I'm breaking up my six-strings
And playing from my heart...

"That was amazing," commented Punzel.

"I love it," said Merida.

"Wow," said Anna and Astrid.

"Really? Thank you! That's all I've got so far," said Elsa. "I have a lot of lyrics but the music's not really worked out yet."

"Op maybe we could just sing the first part over and over again," suggested Anna.

They were all thinking about what Anna just said until Elsa heard a guitar playing, "That's it!"

"Really, nobody's ever agreed with me," laughed Anna.

Elsa and the girls went outside and saw three boys. Wasabi and Hiro were sitting down listening to the guitar playing; Fred was the one playing the guitar.

"Wasabi, Hiro," Elsa called out to them.

"Hey Elsa," greeted Wasabi as he stood up and hugged her.

"Hi," waved Anna and Punzel.

"How are you?" said Astrid.

"Hey Fred, play it again," requested Elsa.

"For you Elsa, anything," said Hiro. "Let's rock."
Fred played the guitar again.

Elsa started singing... (A/N The song is up on the media).

🎶Oh, oh
Last year's old news
I'm breaking up my six-strings
And playing for my heart
It's not déjà vu
Coz its another summer
That's how this chapter starts...

Elsa and the girls ran to where everyone was sitting, when everyone saw them, they started joining in with them. Elsa starts singing to them..

🎶I'm gonna run so fast till I can't breath
Come along and follow me
Let's make some noise we never did before...

Everyone started singing and dancing...

🎵It's a brand new day,
Don't you see me changing up my ways
(so completely?)
This time I'm gonna sing
And you're gonna hear it
This time I'm gonna show you that I got the spirit
It's a brand new day
And I'm feeling good.. And I'm feeling good.

The Prince☆ and The Rocker 🎤 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now