Chapter 25: The Feeling Of Love (Edited)

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Jack's POV:

She looked up at my hair and ruffled it, "You've got some leaves on you."

"Oh," I shook my hair. We both stood in an awkward silence.

She let out a sigh, "Well I think it's getting late, I gotta go."

"Huh yeah sure," I said, frowning a little. I didn't want her to leave.

"See ya tomorrow." She walked past me and went back.

I let out a breath that I didn't noticed I was holding. "What just happen?"

Elsa's POV:

I ran quickly into my room and shut the door. I was really out of breath. I covered my face with my hands. "What is wrong with me?"

I can't believe myself. I almost kissed Jack.

There are leaves on your head?
What a stupid thing say.

But I just had to say that to hide how embarrassed I was.

Oh my God! Oh my God! What would Jack think about me now? Surely I saw it in his eyes that he thought I was going to kiss him.

Oh Elsa! What's the matter with you?

Did I really wanted to kiss him?

My eyes widen and I blushed. I shook my head. Why did I asked myself that? And I do not even want to..
I was knocked out of my thoughts when someone tapped me on my shoulder.
I jumped in fright and turned around.

"Woah! It's just me, Elsa," Anna said as she brought her hands up to assure me.

I sighed in relief, "I guess I was too caught up with my thoughts that I didn't see you coming in."

Anna nodded, "Hmm and what were you thinking about?" She give a curious look.

I bit my lip, trying to think of something. "I...huh...oh forget it. it's not important."

Anna frowned and walked past me, her hands were behind her.
"Really? With your expressions I think it is something."

I rolled my eyes. "Even if it is important, which is not. It is none of your business, okay?"

"Okay okay geez, I was just asking," she said. "Anyway the girls are downstairs."

"Nah, I just wanna get some sleep," I said as I let out a yawn.

Anna nodded in understanding.
"Okay, good night."


She went out and closed the door.

The boys were sitting down in the leaving room.

"Okay, how about this one?" Asked Kristoff, he straighten his sitting position as he looked at Hiccup and Flynn who were looking at him, waiting for him to ask the question.
Kristoff picked up the card and started reading it. "If you cut me I will make you cry."

"What?" Asked Flynn. "What makes you think we will cut you?"

"No, that's the quiz," said Kristoff, rolling his eyes.


"Oh I know the answer, it's a-huh," said Hiccup, trying to think of the answer he had in his mind a while ago.

"Onion." They all turned and saw Jack, stepping in the room.

"Pardon?" Said Flynn.

"I said Onion," said Jack walking to the kitchen and to the fridge.

"Yep, the answer it's onion," said Kristoff. He dropped the card and picked another.

"Where have you been, Jack?" asked Hiccup.

"Out," said Jack. He poured himself a cup of water and started drinking.

"Okay, the next one is," Kristoff flipped the card over and started reading. "How do you know that you're in love?"

The room became silent. The two boys looked at each other.

"Well come on, answer me," said Kristoff, waiting for their answer.

Hiccup scratched his head, "Um I've never actually been in love so, I don't know."

"Hmm, what about you Flynn?" Kristoff and Hiccup looked at Flynn. Jack leaned besides the door way of the kitchen to listen.

Flynn felt a little uncomfortable as he avoided their eyes. "Why are you all looking at me, do I know the answer?"

"Well you did say that you were in love with Punzel, that's why you wanted her to be your girlfriend," said Kristoff.

Flynn blushed. He didn't know why he told them that. They were his friends after all so he didn't want to keep secrets.

"So tell us," said Hiccup as he folded his arms on his chest. "What made you think that you were in love with her?"

Flynn sighed and ruffled his brown hair. "Well, every time she's near me, I'm always happy. Every time she touched me it always made my heart flutter. Sometimes my hearts beats and I always feel butterflies in my stomach. I realized that she is the only one that makes me feel that way, that's when I realize that I was indeed in love with her."

Jack's eyes widen at his words. All those heart beats, butterflies and the need to be close to her, that's the feeling of love?

"Wow!" said Hiccup and Kristoff.

"I wish I could find someone that could make me feel that way," said Hiccup.

"Really? How About Merida? I thought you had a thing for her," said Kristoff smirking.

Hiccup rolled his eyes and decided to ignore him. He looked over at Jack, his eyes widen. "Jack are you alright?"

Kristoff and Flynn looked at Jack. Jack was breathing very fast like he just finished running around the entire campus. His right hand was on his chest.

The boys looked at Jack like he was having a heart attack.

"Jack!? What's wrong?!" Bewailed the boys.

Jack looked up, sooner or later, he returned to his normal breathing. "Sorry guys." He went and sat down on the couch.

"Jack, what's happening to you?" Asked Kristoff.

Jack looked to Flynn, "Flynn about what you said, I think I've been feeling that this past few weeks."

"What?!!" They all said in unison.

Jack nodded. "Guys." The three boys stayed still and not making any noise to hear what he had to say. Jack took a deep breath in,
"I think I'm in love with Elsa Winters."

A\N: There, the chapter is up.

I know you all were probably thinking they were gonna kiss, but I had other plans. I don't like being in a rush.

Don't be upset cause the moment you guys wanted to happen will still come.

Anyway, Jack said he is in love.

What do you think? Will Elsa be in love with him too?

❄Find out in the next chapter❄

Love you (✪㉨✪)

The Prince☆ and The Rocker 🎤 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now