Chapter 14: Elsa meets Jack (Edited)

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Three weeks had passed and today was the day that prince Jack was coming. Everyone was so excited.

Elsa helped her mom in the kitchen, till her chores were finished, she went out. She looked around, everyone was busy doing their own thing. She sighed and went to her camp house and took her guitar and songbook, she walked up the small hill, the last time she felt that someone was there.

Three hours later...

Punzel and Anna was chatting under a tree. Anna was sleeping on the grass while Punzel text Flynn.

P - Where are you?
F - We're almost here.

"Where are they?" asked Anna, sitting down.

"I don't know, but Flynn texted me and said, they're almost here," replied Punzel.

Anna moved to the side and saw Flynn and the two guys coming, just then she saw Jack. "Oh look there they are... and oh my God is that Prince Jack?" Anna squealed and ran to them. Everyone heard Anna, and they all got up and followed her.

They were about to come closer until Kristoff went and block them from coming any further.

"Ok everyone, don't get too excited. The young prince just arrived so just give him some space," said Kristoff as he lowered his hands.

"Hi everyone," waved Jack smiling. "This is the first camp I have ever been too. I'm sure I'm going to enjoy it, if you guys just treat me like a normal person. And please just call me Jack."

They all nodded their heads and walked away, but still their eyes were on him. Jack sighed in relief. Jack eyes looked around, but still he couldn't see Elsa.

"Hiccup, can you go find a camp house for me."

"Why can't you do it?" asked Hiccup. Jack glared at him, Hiccup raised his hands in defence "Okay, Okay I'm going."

Jack walked around the camp, most people thought he was just checking the place out but he was looking for Elsa. He didn't want to ask them where Elsa is, because they might get suspicious. She was nowhere to be found. He looked up to the hill where he used to sit down and look down at the campsite. That's it, that way I can see her, Jack thought, he smirked and walked up the hill.

Elsa sat up that hill for three hours. She played her guitar, writing her new song. After catching the tune she started to sing.

Jack walked past the branches of trees. Then he heard a guitar playing. He followed the music. He hide behind the tree and spy at the girl playing. The girl took the pen and turned her head, that's when he saw her face, it was Elsa! He had found her.

She played the guitar again, and then she started sing in a melody voice...

🎶You lift my feet off the ground spin me around, you led crazier, crazier feels like I'm falling and I I'm lost in your eyes, you led me crazier, crazier

Just then the wind blew the piece of paper up on the branch of the tree.

"Oh you got to be kidding me," muttered Elsa. She got up and looked up to where the paper was; it was kind of high above, good thing she learned how to climb when she was in middle school. She held the one branch of the tree and climbed up. She leaned on the branch of the tree where her paper was. She reached out and grabbed it. "Gotcha," But the branch wasn't strong enough. It broke and fell down along with Elsa. Elsa screamed and closed her eyes; just then Jack came and caught her in a bridal style, spinning around. Jack stood up straight and looked down at Elsa who was still in his arms.

The Prince☆ and The Rocker 🎤 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now