Chapter 33: FUN (Edited)

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The kids were sitting on the table while blurting out questions to Kristoff. Kristoff ruffled his hair in frustration. “You guys, calm down,” said Kristoff.  “She didn’t say no, she said she’ll think about it.”

Jack pushed open the two doors; all the kids turned and looked at him. “Hey guys! We got a not happy rocker on our hands,” he said and Kristoff raised an eyebrow. “So I got a proposition for you guys. Think you’re up for it?” All the junior rockers looked at each other and back at Jack; they smiled and nodded their heads.

At the stage

“Okay, we got a ton of stuff to go over,” said Elsa, walking to the stage with Punzel.

Elsa and Punzel looked around. Not too many rockers were there. “Where is everybody?” asked Punzel. “Seriously, people have got to start being on time.”

Some rockers and all the junior rockers came with buckets of water balloons and water guns. “Attack!” exclaimed Flynn and Jack. The rockers that were sitting down stood up. Waters were sprayed everywhere. Kids shot their water guns along with everybody else. Flynn shot the big water gun at Punzel and Anna, who were standing at the left. Jack took the big balloon that was full with water and threw it at Elsa.
Elsa jumped down the stage and took four water balloons and chased Jack. Everyone were throwing and fighting with water. Hiro took the hose and sprayed it at everyone.

Ally and North came down the steps. “Huh this was not on the schedule,” said Ally with a shocked look.

“You kidding?” said North. “This is what summer camp is all about.” North ran down and took some water balloons and shot it at the others.

Punzel griped her clipboard with a disappointed look and walked away.

It lasted to the whole afternoon. Everyone had chased North until he fell down the lake along with the others.

Everyone were gathered around the fire. Some were telling jokes on the other side while some just stayed quiet.

“Today was so fun!” said Jamie.

“Yeah,” said Merida.

“I wish it could be like that for the rest of the summer,” said Anna.

“Hey,” said Flynn coming to them. “Have you guys seen Punzel?”

“Huh no, she skipped dinner,” said Merida, looking up at him.

“Oh…okay,” Flynn left them and went somewhere.

“I wonder where she is,” said Kristoff.

“And also Elsa,” said Jack, turning around, trying to see if Elsa was there.

“She’s in the lunch hall,” informed Anna.

Jack nodded and stood up.
He came in the lunch hall and saw Elsa sitting on the table. “What are you doing?” asked Jack, walking towards her.

“Jack, I still can’t believe you did that?” said Elsa.

“Did what?” asked Jack. “You mean the water fight?”


“Everyone needed that. Everyone needed to have some fun!”

“Yeah but did you think about how Punzel would feel? We’re making her think like she’s doing all the work.”

“Why is she even doing this?” asked Jack, getting annoyed. “She’s bossing everyone around, she won’t let us have a single free time and have fun; isn’t what this summer camp is all about?”

The Prince☆ and The Rocker 🎤 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now