Chapter 24: The Play (Edited)

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Jack's POV:

The week has been a blast. Elsa didn't get upset with me or ignore me like she used to, instead she's been very kind.

I like her a lot. I love everything about her, her smile, her laugh, her eyes, I love everything about her.

The boys had been going on about me being in love with her. I still don't know how I feel towards her.

"Jack, earth to Jack," said Kristoff, flicking his fingers in front of my face.

"Huh what?" I asked as I snapped out of my daze.

"You've been staring into space for quite a while now," he said.

"Oh sorry," I said, scratching the back of  my head. "Just thinking."


"Elsa, I guess," said Flynn smirking.

I blushed. Those guys knew me too well.

"Oh he is thinking about her," said Flynn.

"Somebody's in love," said Hiccup.

Not Again!!

"Did I ever tell you that you sounded just like a girl," I said frowning.

It's true! Sometimes he does when he's teasing me.

"No, not really," he said.

"No I think he said that about a year ago when you were teasing him about some random girl," said Flynn.

"I don't remember," said Hiccup.

"Me neither," said Kristoff.

"C'mon, can't you guys remember, it was the night after the club," said Flynn.

Kristoff and Hiccup still did not remember.

It was just last year. Those two really have a bad memory.

"Err forget it," said Flynn.

"Anyway," I said, getting up from the table. "I need to go."

"Going to see Elsa?" Asked Kristoff.

"No, to my room," I said as I made my way up to my room.

°Skip Time°

Author's POV:

Everyone was gathering at the show room. Rapunzel was making sure that everything was perfect.

Three men were delivering the costumes. "The trees!" Said one of the delivery men. Norman, Ben and Leo came to him. They started to put the trees costumes on them.

When Norman was already in the tree costume he saw that there were no arm holes.

"Wait! We don't have arm holes?" He said as he walked a little further to Punzel who was checking the shoes. "How are we going to throw apples to Dorothy without arm holes?"

"You don't need arm holes because no one's throwing any apples," said Punzel, as she checked the other sparkle shoe. "We're not doing the movie. In my version the tree sing."

Norman's eyes widened in shock.

Norman, Ben and Leo started to rehash on their song.
Punzel picked up the apple basket and started sticking the apple on the tree, aka Norman.

After finishing the song, they started to walk to the right side. But Leo tripped on a boy who was sitting down near them.

"Ow!" Said Leo, struggling to get up. "I think I knocked out my tooth!"

The Prince☆ and The Rocker 🎤 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now