Chapter 35: Camp Wars Part 1 (Edited)

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Everyone had done well the past days. They made some few changes according to Elsa’s plan. The more they go through with the rehearsals the more they feel confident about the Camp Wars.

Tomorrow was the Camp Wars. North was very proud of everyone’s hard work. He decided to have a small feast in the lunch hall. All the foods were free.

Everyone was inside the lunch hall enjoying their dinner.
The four boys came and sat down with the girls.

“Hey,” greeted Hiccup as he took a seat next to Merida.

“I’m starved,” said Kristoff as he saw the food on the table.

Jack looked at the three girls and noticed someone was missing. “Where’s Elsa?”

“Wow, you’re already missing her?” said Punzel with a smirk.

“Well she’s not here with you girls,” said Jack.

“She’s just went somewhere, she’ll be back,” informed Anna.

After some minutes, North went up to the platform and took hold of the microphone. “Well, I like to say thank you all for your hard work. It really warms my heart knowing you all are doing everything you can so we can keep the camp. I know we’re going to win. I can feel it…in my belly,” North held his belly making some kids chuckle.  “So now anyone who likes to sing can step up because now is time to dance!”

Peter stepped up to the platform. Some people stood up and danced to Peter’s song.

“Come on, let’s dance,” said Punzel. She took Flynn and they both danced in the middle of the floor.

“Well come on,” said Merida standing up, along with Hiccup, Anna and Kristoff.

Jack watched them dancing.

“Waiting for me?” He turned around and saw Elsa.

“Actually yes,” he smiled. “Come on.” He took Elsa’s hand and they both joined everyone. After some rock songs and dancing, they decided to take a breath.

“Wow,” said Anna, “My legs are aching already.”

“Okay who wants to go next?” asked Peter.

No one raised their hands. “Okay then, Elsa!”

“Oh Elsa you,” said Merida, nudging Elsa.

Elsa stood up and went to the platform. She took the guitar and looked at everyone. “Okay, this is a slow song, I hope that’s alright?”

Everyone cheered. Some took their partners and danced.

“Come on,” said Punzel, pulling Flynn’s hand.

“What? But I’m tired,” whined Flynn.

“Last one please,” begged Punzel. Flynn gave in and followed her.

The rest just watched Elsa.

Elsa started playing the guitar. The band behind her followed.

🎶I’ve never gone with the wind
Just let it flow
Let it take me where it wants to go
Till you open the door
There’s so much more
I’ve never seen it before
I was trying to fly
But I couldn’t find wings
Then you came along
And you changed everything

The Prince☆ and The Rocker 🎤 (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now