Almost Prince Charming

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*Chris's P.O.V.*

Maurice: Put more chocolate chips daddy! have to flip it again!

Chris: are you sure this is how it goes?

Maurice: I live with mommy not you.

Chris: Heyy I'm tryna live with mommy too!

I say while laughing chopping up mangos and strawberries.

Chris: I'm a BEAST in the kitchen look at this tray!

Maurice: I'm a beast too daddy?

Chris: Hell!- HECK YEA I couldn't of did it without you.

I high five him with my free hand while balancing the tray of food in the other.

Maurice & Chris: LEGGO!

We head upstairs and tip toe into Tiffany's room. I let Maurice wake her up cause I didn't want her clumsy ass to knock the food out my hand or off the bed.

Maurice: mommy....mommy we made you breakfast.

He taps her face and slides under the covers with her cheesing as hard as me.

Tiffany lightly rolls over and smiles at me. I sit on the bed and sit the tray in front of her.

Tiffany: awww you did this for me?

I hesitate my reply seeing Tiffany's face light up and I turn away blushing scratching the back of my head.

Chris: Go head, eat.

Tiffany smiles nervously at the plate.

Tiffany: I don't like pancakes...

Chris: But I made your favorite

Tiffany: No you made Maurice's favorite (laugh)

Maurice immediately laughs stuffing his face with the pancakes I slaved over for Tiffany.

Chris: damn he is my son.

I say laughing shaking my head.

Tiffany laughs and eats the fruit instead.


I get my phone out my pocket and read the text across my screen.

*Chantel J: are you home? I'm on my way.

*Chris: I'm not home.

*Chantel J: where are you? I'm going to call.

I clear my throat and escort myself from the room to the front porch outside.


I pick up the phone.

Chris: yea watchu want?

Chantel: you need to come home now I need to talk to you.

Who the fuck told this little girl to talk to me like I'm some dog off the street?

Chris: what the fuck is all this I need I need I need? Tell me whatchu NEED on the phone

Chantel: We're pregnant (smile)

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