Don't Assume

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*Tiffanys P.O.V.*


I quietly let myself in the house, stumble into the living room and plop face down on the couch and pass out.


I hazily wake up to someone grabbing at my clothes and yelling in my ear.

Chris: Where the fuck you been!?

He slaps my foot off the couch trying to wake me.

Tiffany: stop!

I say aggravated waving him off with my hand.

Chris: no! Where the fuck you been!?

He knocks my other foot off the couch.

Tiffany: I'm a grown ass woman! I don't have to answer to you!

I say standing to my feet.

Tiffany: I can ask where yo dick has been but you ain't gon tell me the truth about that are you!!

I shove him in his chest.

Chris: are you drunk?

I look down at my feet wobbling back and fourth.

Fuck him I refuse to answer him.

Chris: who the fuck clothes you got on!?

He pulls at my shirt and I snatch away from him.

Tiffany: stop fuckin touching me!?

Chris: you in a nigga clothes so what nigga clothes are you in!!


We become silent and turn our attention to the front door.

We walk over to it & Chris protectively pushed me out the way.

I look at him crazy and force myself back next to him.

He opens the door and there stood Trey with a bag of clothes in his hand.

Trey looked at us like he was afraid to say anything.

Trey: hey you left your clothes over my house and I just wanted to........return them?


Chris snatches the bag from Trey and throws it past me.

Tiffany: the fuck is wrong with you!?

I go to get my clothes off the floor.

Chris: this where the fuck you been? You fucked her?

Both me and Trey's mouths drop.

Tiffany: you think that fuckin low of me!? I'm not a hoe like you! I went to his house and forced him to get me drunk so I could forget about tonight but after the 3rd shot I was an emotional wreck! So he let me take a shower and made me coffee and gave me fresh clothes and took me back home like a fuckin gentlemen unlike yo dumbass!

I shove my two fingers against Chris's forehead and walk off back to the couch to finish my sleep.

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