Change in plans

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*Chris's P.O.V.*

I end the call and go back upstairs to Tiffany's room.

Chris: I have to go back to Cali

Tiffany: aww you just got here(pout)

Chris: yea I know but it's some busi-

Maurice angrily walks past me to his room.

Tiffany sighs.

I go after him into his room. I bend down to his level and pull him into me.

Chris: you mad at me?

Maurice nods his head with tears in his eyes. It hurt my heart to see him this upset.

Chris: why? Cause I'm leaving?

Maurice: you said you were gonna stay! You said you were gonna marry mommy!

Chris: I am I amm

I admit in a whisper hoping he will follow suit.

Maurice: you said you love us and we were gonna be a family(pout)

I give him a reassuring squeeze.

Chris: we areee I promise.

I give him a couple kisses on his jaw and he pretends to still hate me smh just like his mama.

Chris: can daddy have a kiss?

He pecks me coldly on the lips.

Chris: can I have another?

He quickly pecks me again.

Chris: another?

He cracks a tiny smile and kisses me again. I repeatedly ask till he gives in and laughs at my foolishness.

Chris: now, you gonna tell me if Anthony yells at mommy again right?

Maurice nods his head happily.

Chris: ma man.

We give each other dap.


Back in Cali......

I drive up to my place and park next to Chantels car. I texted her in advance so we can get this talk out the way. She gets out of her car and slides into mine once she noticed I wasn't getting out of mine.

Chantel: I'm pregnant.

Chris: you said that already.

I say rolling my eyes out the window.

Chantel: well shall I move in with you or you gonna move in with me?

Chris: wait hol'up what?

Chantel: look Chris you didn't take responsibility with yo first baby mama and that's not gone happen to me.

Chris: first of all don't you ever speak up on me and the mother of my child you don't know shit about us & second bitch you a jump off, groupie, hoe. You bestfriends with Draya, y'all hoeness can't get deleted you well known in every sport and the music industry. That shit ain't mines, I wraps my shit up.

Chantel: you been sticking yo dick in my pussy for the last 7 months you know no other nigga been hittin this so man the fuck up! I don't know why...

She continued to talk as I drowned her out glaring out the front windshield. This baby isn't mine. If I bring another baby into this world my mama will stomp a mud hole in my ass, Maurice would hate me, and Tiffany I don't wanna think about Tiffany....




I was tired of going to Cali & New Orleans back and fourth so I flew Tiffany and Maurice out here instead.


I quietly step out of Maurice's bedroom and walk back into the living room where Tiffany was winding down from our trip to the zoo.

Tiffany: is he sleep?

Chris: let's just say if a nuclear bomb went off he'd still be sleep.

Tiffany laughs.

I step in the kitchen and open up a bottle of wine and pour me and Tiffany a glass.

I walk back over to the couch and hand it to her like a butler.

Tiffany: woow I haven't had a glass of wine in..(she tries to think while laughing)

Chris: I figured you'd need it, so it could be like old times.

Tiffany takes a sip and questions me.

Tiffany: old times how?

I didn't want to bring up the half drunken glass of wine that was on her dresser the first time we made love so I just ignore her question.

Chris: can you?

I rub my head.

Chris: for old times sake

She turns foward on the couch and opens her legs. I sit between them on the floor as she starts to massage my head.

I slowly glide my hands up and down her smooth legs hoping she won't tell me to stop. I let out a couple moans enjoying her fingers combing through my curls.

I gently kiss the inside of her knee and she doesn't stop me. I crane my neck to her inner thigh and kiss her again. She pauses her fingers letting out a small gasp. I turn to face her on my knees. I massage circles on her inner thighs with my thumbs and feel her pulse beating rapidly. I quickly slide my thumbs inside her pajama shorts and press down on her pussy lips. She bolts mid way into the air but I pull her back down by her hips.

Tiffany: Chris don't-

I narrow my eyes in on her and slowly lick my lips. I want her. She can resist but I know she wants me throbbing inside of her.

She tries to pry my hands off of her hips but I'm too strong.

I slowly get off my knees and start to lean into her.

She shakes her head trying to fathom any excuse or reason to stop this but her mind goes blank.

Tiffany: Chris.

Her voice shakes as I lean in for the kiss.

Tiffany: I'm with Anthony- Chris please.

I take my hands off of her and she runs into the bathroom.

Tiffany leans down resting her elbows on the sink splashing cold water on her face.

I come up from behind and glide my hand inside her shorts. She erects from the sink and I rest my fingers on her jaw and press my thumb against her lips. I place my other two fingers on her silky clit that was soaked thru her thong. She whimpered in pleasure froze by my touch. I press her body against the wall and press mine onto hers knowing she felt my hard bulge on her behind. I circle my fingers on her clit and her knees buckle as she winces her eyes closed trying to resist.

I bring my lips to her ear to speak.

Chris: you had my son and you'll have my daughter but this time you'll be my wife....I'll let this thing with Anthony keep goin but it won't last, you understand?

Tiffany nods her head with her eyes still closed. I completely let her go and she gasps for air. I suck on my fingers in regret, it killed me to let her sweet stuff go.



I roughly rub my face with this bitch still yacking.........I'm so FUCKED.

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