If I Was Your Man.

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*Chris's P.O.V.*

I briskly walk out of the dressing room feeling like a new man holding onto Tiffany's hand who was trailing behind me. Her lipgloss was no longer on her lips and her hair was tousled the two workers noticed and were appalled.
I toss the two dresses on the counter and we both smirk leaving out the store.

Later that night at a roof-top party....

*Tiffany's P.O.V.*
I wanted to stay in the house and keep making love to Chris but he insisted we go out since Jackie volunteered to baby sit Maurice.
I sat in a circle with the girls like a statue while they all laughed and conversed around me. It wasn't like their conversation wasn't good but I was too intrigued by Chris. He was across the room with the guys but I couldn't stop eye raping him. The way his tongue swirled around his drinking straw then pressed his lips on it....I was jealous of that straw.
He notices me looking and winks at me from across the way. I tighten my legs together and clear my throat trying to get into watever the girls were talking about.
I look down at my empty glass and go over to the bar area which was in the cut to get a refill. I could've just waited till the waiter came to me but I needed a moment alone.
I sit down on the stool, cross my legs then order my drink.

*Trey's P.O.V.*
Trey: came over here to get away from the chaos huh?
I make stand next to Tiffany sitting down and make myself comfortable.
Tiffany: yea I guess you can say that.
She quickly glances up at me then looks away.
Trey: if you were with me you wouldn't have to deal with that type of chaos.
She chuckles at me ignoring my remark.
Trey: what's funny? (Smile)
Tiffany looks up at me.
Tiffany: you.
She licks her lips and I glance at the light reflecting off them.
Trey: I made you happy once.
I pull her stool closer to me. She looked at me and I looked at her.
Trey: I can make you happy again even more now. You and Maurice.
Tiffany: Don't bring my son into this.
She tried to shift out of the stool but I tug on her arm.
Trey: Why? Chris already has.
Tiffany: What are u talkin bout?

*Tiffanys P.O.V.*

Trey pulls out his phone going to something then hands me the phone. I look at the first picture and my heart started to speed up but I tried not to show it on my face.
Trey: it's more.
I swipe to the right and more pictures of Chris in the club with women dancing around him, sitting on him, giving him lap dances, and hanging all off of him, and he seemed to enjoy it in every picture, to make it worse each picture was at a different club. Then the last landed on him talking to a girl with blonde hair in broad daylight in front of his house, she was smiling up at him and I couldn't tell what his facial expression was saying.
Trey: He got a lot of women. Not just you.
He snakes his arm around my back and pulls me closer.
Trey: I can make you the only one & you'd know it. I wouldn't hide you like a secret like Chris does.
He pulls my chin up bringing my lips towards his and I mush his face away from mine.
I stand up roughly and point my finger angrily in his face trying to control my temper.
Tiffany: I am his woman and he is my man. Don't bring up no other women to me.
Trey: So you committed to staying faithful to a man who ain't faithful to you?
Before I could respond my phone started to vibrate in my clutch. I pull out my phone and read a text from Chris that said "Meet me in the restroom, I need you now".
I walk away from Trey and walk inside to the restrooms where I see Chris leaning against the wall. He looks up at me and smiles and as soon as I smiled back those pictures shot their way into my vision, and Trey's words were on surround sound. I slowly stop walking and I hesitate to Chris.
Chris: Tiff..
He stands up from the wall and walks over to me pressing his chest against mines and smiles down at me.
Chris: what's wrong? (Smiling)
And when I looked up at Chris all my sorrows and doubts went away. That smile reassured me that Chris loves me, and he's not the same man he was years ago. I can trust him not to hurt me.
Tiffany: nothing (smile)
He pulls me into the bathroom and before I knew it he was thrusting my hips against his mouth.

I wobble to the sink and try to get myself together.
Chris adjusts himself and cleans up at the other sink.
I try to fix my mouth to ask something but it wasn't coming out.
Tiffany: Do you think Trey still likes me?
Chris: Hell nah
I look over at him like excuse me!
Chris: Not like that but nah he bet not, why!? Did he say sumthin to you!?
Tiffany: No calm down.

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