Haters will be ignored

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*Tiffany's P.O.V.*

I pick up my phone and call Jackie.

Jackie: Hello.

She says groggily into the phone.

Tiffany: are you still sleep? it's 2 in the afternoon.

Jackie: who are you my mother?

Tiffany: hush up I'm on my way to your hotel to pick you up-

Jackie: no!

I shut my mouth from uttering another word while scrunching my face in confusion.

Jackie: um I mean I'm not at my hotel.......I'm at Mijos.

Tiffany: what!

I say in a laughing gasp.

Tiffany: you dirty cunt! details! Now!

I tap both of my feet on the backseat floor in excitement.

Jackie: I'll tell you when you get here.

Tiffany: I'll be there in 10 minutes so get your walk of shame ready(smirk)

Jackie: ugh I hate you.

We hang up.


Jackie drags her feet toward the car with huge sunglasses on.

I open the door for her and slide over to let her in.

Jackie: you have a driver?

She looks to the guy in the front seat of the car.

Jackie: Chris must be tryna get some.

Tiffany: nooo!

I yell trying to cover my embarrassment.

Jackie: then what's going on?

Tiffany: I don't know, Chris just told me to get in the car and enjoy my day.

Jackie: yea he tryna get some.

She shifts in her seat.

Tiffany: well I guess he tryna do the samething you did last night.

Jackie blushes.

Tiffany: what happened! Tell me!

Jackie: well I was too drunk from the party and Chris made it clear that he needed everyone to go home so Mijo offered to take me home but I was too sick to get dropped off at a hotel alone so since Mijos place was closer I let him bring me home to his place.

I stare at her hanging onto every word. Mijo and Jackie are a great match why haven't I thought of this before!

Jackie: so after I threw up a couple times (scratches the back of her head) he cleaned me up, let me take a shower, gave me warm clothes.

Jackie's voice seemed like it started to sing with every word.

Tiffany: uh huhhhh.....

Jackie: he was obviously still flirting with me when after I threw up on his floor and in the bathroom sink but I wasn't sure if I should flirt back cause he use to like you and everything so I thought that would be weird-

Tiffany: That's all water under the bridge Mijo don't like me like that no more.

Jackie: Yea he let me know that all night longgggg

Tiffany: You Thot ass bitch........was it good!?

Jackie: who's the Thot ass bitch now!?


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