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*Tiffany's P.O.V.*

I sit on the couch getting a head start on folding most of Maurice's clothes that I just took out the dryer. Maurice is with Chris for the weekend so it was nice to just laze around.

I look up at the clock knowing Anthony will be home any minute.

The door slams and I look up at Anthony coming in.

Tiffany: hey babe

I greet him cheerfully but my smile instantly drops seeing his eyes glued to the mail in his hands completely ignoring me.

Anthony: you paid the light and gas bill!?

He asks angrily towering over me.

Tiffany: yea I-

Anthony: no! I told yo ass I could handle it!

Tiffany: we were already late on the payments! I couldn't keep waiting on you to pay it!

I say matching his tone standing my ground.

Anthony: since I moved in here did I need your HELP payin any bills up this muthafucka!?

Tiffany: not then! But now-

Anthony: so watchu tryna say Tiffany? I can't take care of you and Maurice no more!? I can't provide for y'all!?

I sit back and snarl my lip up at him he wasn't about to come in here and talk to me like he crazy.

Tiffany: look!

I stand up chest to chest with him.

Tiffany: I'm not saying-

Anthony shoves me on my shoulder knocking me back down on the couch. I look back up at Anthony who didn't look like himself. His eyes were full of rage as he stepped closer to me daring me to challenge him.


I clench my teeth and pick up one of Maurice's shirts and begin to fold it. He leaves upstairs.


I step out the house and head to Jackie's, the tension in my house was so thick! I couldn't breathe!

I step inside her house knowing she was already expecting me. She sat in the living room with her laptop in her lap. 2 glasses of wine with the bottle next to it, and all the trash TV on DVR.

Tiffany: I swear to fucking god he is gettin on my nerves!

Jackie: who? Chris?

Tiffany: When's the last time I complained to you about Chris -__-

Jackie: oh yea you're right. What'd Anthony do now?

Tiffany: every fuvkin day it's something new with him! Living with him is getting unbearable! He's constantly in competition with Chris.

I explain walking back and fourth.

Jackie: can you blame him for being intimidated? He's a construction worker your ex is Chris Brown and you had a baby by him. He's afraid that at any moment you'll drop his dirt tossing ass for Chris.

Tiffany: doesn't he think Chris has tried that already? I chose Anthony.

Jackie: he has?

Tiffany: yea but that's not the point.

Jackie: Well Chris has been a better man for awhile now.

Tiffany: who's side are you on!

Jackie: it depends who's the better lover?

She asks in a sneaky tone.

Tiffany: (laugh) I'm not gonna answer that .

Jackie: just be a little more understanding of how Anthony feels.

Tiffany: (sigh) maybe you're right.

Maybe I shouldn't tell her about Anthony shoving me if she's right about him being intimidated.

I shrug off the subject and grab my glass of wine.

Jackie: this is probably a bad time but-

Tiffany: ughhhhh!!!!

I grunt loudly.

Tiffany: what now!?

She turns her laptop to me and I read the bold title. CHRIS BROWN'S SON MAURICE FLIES TO LA LIKE A BIG BOY TO SPEND TIME WITH HIS DADDY!

I glare at the picture of my son on an airplane alone smiling at the camera.

Tiffany: I'm gonna kill em. I going to kill both of them.

I say convinced of my threats.

I get out my phone and call Chris.


*Chris's P.O.V.*

I quickly decline Tiffany's call giving myself a mental note to call her back cause I almost got Maurice fully sleep.

Chris: .....and mommy said my friends were not very good friends.

Maurice: and what happened after that?

He asks through dim eyes slowly going to sleep.

Chris: I took her to Hawaii and we fell in love. We ate lobster and crab every night, we painted all day, and took pictures...she loved taking pictures. I tried to keep her laughing the whole time....her smile...making her smile made me..

I break out of my thoughts hearing Maurice snore peacefully.

I rub his hair out of his face and slowly climb out of bed not wanting to wake him up. I step out the door closing it behind me.

Chantel: awww wasn't that sweet!

Chris: how'd the hell you get in here?

Chantel: well he's going to have to meet me sooner or later.

She walks past me to Maurice's door and puts her hand on the knob.

I grab her arm and swiftly pull her back. What the fuck is wrong with this bitch walkin up in my house where my child sleeps demanding to meet him.

She looks down at my hand still on her arm and looks back up at me.

Chantel: You better get your hands off me before I have you all over the news for beating another innocent woman. You'll never get your career back.

She threatens.

I step closer to her and lean down so we can be face to face.

Chris: Im not these other tricks, that shit doesn't work on me. I will drag you out of this fuckin house and have you on the news missing. Don't fuck with me or my child.

Chantel quivers in fear at the look in my eyes. She smacks her lips and leaves.

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