Too good to be true.

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*Tiffany's P.O.V.*

7:30 am......

Chris took Maurice to school so I sprung straight out of mommy mode & stripped naked putting a apron around my waist and made Chris blueberry pancakes.


I hear him come through the door and I quickly make my way to the island in the kitchen sitting on top of it putting the plate in my lap. I fix my hair one more time and try to look seductive.

Chris: I didn't know you were coming-

I open my eyes from my pretend sun bathing pose to Chris standing there shocked with momma J on his side with the same face.

Tiffany: oh my god!

I scream jumping off the counter making the plate of pancakes fall to the floor. I wrap my arms around my lady parts and try to hide behind the kitchen chair.

Momma J: Well Christopher I see you're eating well.

I facepalm myself and huff.


Tiffany: stop laughing it's not funny!

I smack Chris in his arm and he laughs harder.

Tiffany: why didn't you tell me she was coming!?

Chris: I didn't know she was either, if I would've known you wanted to play Tarzan and Jane..

He tickles my sides and I playfully push him away.

Tiffany: ugh! Shut up.


3:00 pm.....

I get up from watching a movie with Chris on the living room couch to get a glass of water. I reach up and pull a glass from the top cabinet absentmindedly and it slips out my hand and shatters on the floor. I get on my knees and slowly pick up the broken pieces to look up & see Chris standing in front of me. My heart jumps out of my chest. Talk about déjà Vu. He steps closer to me looking down on me with seduction in his eyes. I lay the glass to the side and slowly undo his pants without breaking eye contact with him. I pull him out of his shorts licking my lips then softly kissing his tip. Chris slightly jumps and holds onto the counter for leverage. I lick and suck on his tip teasing him. I reach up for his balls and tug on them gently. I look up at him biting his lip trying not to make a sound the whole house would hear. I suck all of him into my throat and coat my warm mouth over him.

Chris: oh my god baby.

He moans throwing his head back. I chuckle a little seeing his whole body shake in convulsions.

Momma J: Chrisss!

Chris quickly leans over the counter hiding his lower half with him still in my mouth.

Momma J: I thought I heard some glass break a minute ago I was just checkin making sure it wasn't Maurice.

Chris: oh? Nah mom it's just-

I place my fingers around his dick and massage it up and down doing my head in the same motion.

Chris: it's just me.

Chris explains with a high pitched voice.

Momma J: since I'm down here I might as well heat up some leftovers.

Chris: NO!

Momma J fearfully stops in her tracks.

Chris: I mean I don't want you to lift a finger, I'll bring it up to you.

Momma J: aww thank you baby.

Chris balls up his fist letting his head down letting out tiny squeaks of breath, releasing in my mouth.

Momma J: Chris are you okay? Are you crying?

Chris: no mom I'm...I'm just really happy you're here.

Momma J: you're so sweet, I'm really glad I'm here to see you guys.

Momma J smiles trailing back off into her room.

Chris rests his hands on his knees panting heavily. He looks over to me with a little smirk on his face and I smile back at him.


Chris and I are in the bed chillin with Maurice at the foot of our bed passed out sleep.

Chris: Imagine if you would've had babies with him they would've been ugly like half cute cause of you but mostly ugly

(Talking about Anthony)

Tiffany: Shut up

Chris: But we, we make pretty babies look at my son he bout to get all the females.

We look down at Maurice.

Tiffany: Uh huh just like his daddy.

I roll my eyes.

Chris: Nah, he's gonna fall in love with a Queen just like his daddy.

He kisses me.

Tiffany: Ugh you suck dick

Chris: No YOU suck dick!

Tiffany: Shhh!!

I place my finger over his loud ass mouth.

Tiffany: Carpet muncher (whisper)

Chris: So! I'm not afraid to drown between these thighs guh!

He squeezes my thigh flicking his tongue up and down rapidly towards me. I scream laughing while trying to push him off.

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