Long Awaited

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2 1/2 months later...

*Chris's P.O.V.*

I wake to Tiffany roughly rubbing my chest.

Tiffany: Chris..

She growns.

By her tone I could tell she's been trying to wake me up for a minute but she was still laying down on her side so whatever she wants must not be too serious.

Chris: hmm?

Tiffany: fuck me..

My eyes shoot open and I look over to her trying to get the sleep out my eyes. I scoot behind her and do what she tells me to do.


Tiffany starts moaning uncontrollably so I place my hand over her mouth digging deeper inside her. I smirk with my face buried in her neck feeling her walls tighten around me.

Tiffany: Chris...

Chris: FUCK ba-

Before I could finish I felt what was like acid building up in my throat. I pull out of Tiffany and run into the bathroom throwing up. Tiffany comes up from behind me to rub my back and dab my forehead with a cold towel but I kept puking my guts out & dry heaving.

I lift my head out of the toilet and Tiffany begins to fan me with a magazine.

Chris: If I knew I was going to get "couvade syndrome" again I would have never gotten you pregnant a second time.

Tiffany: that's what yo bitchass get, So maybe you can think next time before you cum in any wet hole you get into.

She says angrily leaving out the bathroom.

Chris: so first you're horny then sympathetic now pissed off?

She ignores me getting back into bed while I wash out my mouth.

When I'm done I get back into bed and pull her back against my chest but she folds her arms and pouts away from me.

Chris: I'm sorry that I can get you wet and your pussy begs me to come inside it.

Tiffany: -__- ugh.

She throws my arm off of her.

Tiffany: why can't you just sing me to sleep like you use to before you turned into an asshole.

I clear my throat.

Chris: oh baby let's get naked just so we can make sweet lo-

Tiffany: noo stop never mind (laugh)



The only thing I don't like about this pregnancy shit is that Tiffany hardly speaks to me. I know I wasn't around when she was pregnant with Maurice so I don't really know what to expect from her but damn the only time I get attention is when she wants some dick and you would think because I'm a dude I would be happy about that but I'm not.


I leave out the kitchen from Tiffany and Maurice to open the front door.

I swing the door open and

Chantel: can we get this over with.

She says rolling her eyes.

I smirk at her and call Tiffany.

Tiffany comes to the door looks and me and Chantel back and fourth irritated and begins to walk away.

Chris: wait! No no no no

I tug on her arm pulling her back.

Chris: we are about to settle this once and for all if I'm the father.

*Tiffany's P.O.V.*

I look at her and Chris back and fourth like they're crazy! Chantel is clearly standing here 6 months pregnant how they fuck are they gonna get a DNA test now.

Tiffany: great! Let me know in about 3 months

I begin to walk away again and Chris pulls me back.

Chris: it's a new thing now where they can take the blood from the baby in the belly and determine if it's mine or not.

Tiffany: that doesn't sound safe.

Chris: who the fuck cares!

Chantel and I jump and give each other a look.

Chris takes a deep breath and composes hisself.

Chris: not like that, can we just go please.


I go to get Maurice and we all leave.


Me, Chris, and Maurice just sat in the cold lobby waiting. Chris saw the chill bumps on my arms and tried to rub me and I kind of shifted away from him. This moment just seemed all too real for me. It wasn't like Chantel was a lying about sleeping with Chris or being pregnant so it is a huge possibility and part of me never thought this was serious until now. Now it settled in me that this could he Chris's child then what? We try to fit her into our once almost perfect family? Me and Chris try to stay together even after he lied to me? Him trying to make me feel guilty about being Anthony when he was clearly fuckin around. This cannot be my life. Chris can take 10 steps forward with me then take 20 steps back leaving me in front by myself. If he was just honest with me-

Doctor: excuse me.

Chris & I snap out of our thoughts and look at the doctor in terror.

Doctor: (laugh) I apologize for startling you but I have the results of miss Jefferies.

We get up.

Chris nods his head rapidly secretly telling him to hurry up with the results.

The doctor quickly looks at me.

Doctor: um do you want me to tell you in front of...

Chris looks over to me and I turn my head away to hide my tears by quickly walking away I already knew it right then. Chris is the father.

I look over to Maurice still in the lobby seat passed out how could I ever explain to him how much his father loves him and me if he Chris got another woman pregnant.

A couple minutes later Chris walks up to me trying to hold my hands but I kept pulling them away.

Tiffany: I want to go home. I want to go home. Back to New Orleans. You said I would be the only woman having your children you told me that!

Chris: Tiffany! Listen! I'm not the father!

Chris looked at me strange he kept trying to tell me but I was too busy sulking.

Tiffany: you're not?

Chris: I told you I wasn't.

He bites his lip and smiles at me.

I laugh at myself for being so dramatic and he joins in with me.

Chris: now that that's out the way I could give you the life you deserve.

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