Wet Dream

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*1 week later*

Tiffany: wait, Chris no this isn't right!

Everyone is downstairs!

I say in a urgent whisper.

Chris: sshh

He smiles against my lips still kissing me.

Tiffany: what if Anthony-

Chris stops kissing me to look in my eyes.

Chris: you're safe with me.

He lightly pushes me onto his plush bed and climbs on top of me. His abs pressed hard against me, his hands massaged my head as he made every kiss count with his soft lips. I stare at his chest tattoos desperately trying not to lick them. My dress starts to ride up around my hips and I try to shuffle it back down but Chris stops me snatching up my wrist putting them over my head. He marvels at my body from head to toe while I stare helplessly back up at him almost embarrassed that my purple lace thong was exposed. He hooks one finger on to them and slowly pulls them down my legs. I catch my breath as he stares at my glistening clit. He knew I was pretending not to want him this whole time. He pulls his member out of his shorts and begins to tickle my clit with it. I wince my eyes and let out a muffled moan. I try to move my hands but he still had me pinned with his other hand. He slowly enters me and I arch my back gasping at how good he felt inside me. He lays down coming chest to chest with me digging deep inside me and I instantly wrap me legs around his waist.

Chris: there ya go

He whispers in my ear.

He starts to go faster.

Chris: cum for me.

I moan louder trying to keep myself from cumming but he knew the right spot to hit.

Tiffany: Chris..

Chris: say it louder baby.

Tiffany: Chris!

He slides his hand under my ass and grips it hard.

Chris: who's pussy is this!?

Tiffany: it's yours Chris! It's yours! Chris please! Fuck!

I start to feel it build up inside of me and I can't hold it anymore.

Tiffany: oooo Chriss!

I open my eyes and feel myself grinding on my pillow.

Tiffany: Chris?

I say in a very low and confused voice. I lift my head up off my mattress and stare at the puddle of drool I made. I hear noise coming from the closet and see Anthony putting on his work shirt heading out the door.

Anthony: wet dream huh?

Tiffany: what? No!

Anthony: you moaned his name at least 6 times.

My face flushes from embarrassment, and Anthony leaves to work not saying another word to me.


Hours Later..

Jackie: (gasp) you had a wet dream bout yo baby daddy while in bed with yo man.

Tiffany: it's not like I did it on fuckin purpose. It doesn't mean anything anyway it's just a dream.

I say into the phone.

Jackie:.....bitch please! Are you still dreaming? You wanna fuck Chris and you know it (Laugh)

Tiffany: I have enough stress to deal with I don't have time for Chris.

Jackie: shut up! You want Chris and Chris still want you, stop playin.

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