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A week later...

I stay concentrated on my painting. I've been trying to finish it for the longest but I kept getting interrupted by something miscellaneous,Maurice was gone and Anthony was gone so it was nothing but my brush stroking against the canvas. After a while I got a little tired but I couldn't stop, I didn't want to stop so I cranked up some Elle Varner loud in my headphones and really got inspired to keep going. I started singing to myself getting into the song and my paint strokes got faster I am officially in the zone.

Tiffany: But maybe, maybe in another life I could be the girl who walks up to the guy and tells him, tells him how she feels inside but not tonight, no not tonight!!

I was screeching my little heart out till I felt a presence behind me and my heart dropped into my ass. My hard thumped loud as I tried to take a breath turning around already knowing who it was. My hands shook uncontrollably while the rest of my body stood froze. I quickly snatch my headphones out my ears thinking of a lie I could use right now.


I look back to the multi colored blue, yellow, red, and black portrait I painted of Chris. I straight toward shot of his face with his eyes narrowed and jaw clenched looking determined. I probably looked at it for so long because I know what Anthony is about to do and I was right. Anthony rushed toward me and I stood in front of the painting trying to protect it.


I push him hard away from my fresh painting but be kept coming back more forceful.



Anthony suddenly grabbed me by my arms and slung me hard to the ground. I looked up in horror seeing that I couldn't get up in time for what was about to happen. Tears burst from my eyes and I crawled to Anthony gripping him by his leg to stop him but he looked down on me like I wasn't shit and kicked me back away from him.

He smears his hand over the wet paint smearing it all.

Tiffany: STOP!!

I thought he was done till he punched it dead in the center ripping off long pieces from top to bottom! I shielded my eyes away from the horror and remained on the floor crying into my arms.

Hours Later....

I look at myself in the mirror and look into my tired raccoon eyes then down to my bruised arms where Anthony grabbed me. He must of really grabbed me hard if it left a bruise on my dark skin. What was I thinking? What is wrong with me? Why was I stupid enough to let this nigga stay for so long? You're smarter than this Tiffany you have a child to think about.

I shake my head my head at myself in the mirror. The old Tiffany would have never let a nigga do this to her.

My phone rings and I pick it up without looking at the ID.

Tiffany: yes.

I sniffle into the phone.

Chris: Tiffany I called your local police they should be there any minute.

I look around stupidly. How did Chris know I was hurt?

Chris: I am about to tell you something, is Anthony there?

Tiffany: no! He left! What!?

Chris was scaring me.

Chris: look, I need you to not act on what I'm about to tell you. As much as you want to you have to promise me you will stay calm till the cops come.

Tiffany: Chris...

I say getting agitated.

Chris: Anthony beat Maurice.


I drop the phone in the sink and hold onto the edges of the sink for dear life squeezing still my hands turned dark red. I bend down keeping my hands on the sink and my eyes shut.

Chris: Maurice didn't want to take off his shirt while I was getting his bath ready and.....he had two big purple bruises across his back.

I could hear the anger in Chris's voice but he was trying to stay calm.

Chris: Tiffany! Do not react!

I take a deep breath and hang up the phone. Chris continued to call back but I leave the phone in the bathroom.

*Anthony's P.O.V.*

I walk inside the house about to go upstairs but see Tiffany in the corner of my eye in the kitchen.

Anthony: Tiffany.

I shout out walking into the kitchen. She stood in front of the stove with a skillet full grease and the fire on sky high.

Anthony: watchu bout to fry? Some fish?

Tiffany's eyes looked cold. Completely dead like it wasn't even her. I started to get scared.

Anthony: I'm sorry.

I step closer to her and wave my hand in front of her face. I look down at my feet rubbing my head to think of something else to say.

Anthony: Tiff-

I look back up and my eyes buck at the pan coming full force to my face.

Anthony: AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

I scream from my lungs wailing to the floor. The hot grease boiled on my skin turning it into mush. It felt like the devil himself spat on me. I sprawled on the floor and my head and back felt unbearable pain like hammers pounding into me. Tiffany was screaming to the top of her lungs but I couldn't understand what she was saying. I started crying out in pain hoping anybody could stop this. I feel the skillet clang against my bones repeatedly making a cracking noise and I start to loosing conscious.

*Tiffany's P.O.V.*

I drop the skillet on his head and walk out the kitchen when 5 policeman burst into the living room. I lean on the couch and point to Anthony.

Tiffany: he tried to kill me.

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