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*Chris's P.O.V.*

My whole world felt like it was crashing down around me and it was nothing I could do about it.
It was a race back to the house because Tiffany hurried up and hopped in a different car. The whole way back I tried to think of what was I going to say what was I going to do. I just need Tiffany to understand and listen to me.
I pull up in front of the house right after Tiffany still making her way to the steps. I get out the car and fly to her pulling her back around towards me.
Tiffany: DON'T FUCKIN-
She smacks the shit out of my chest and neck making it burn like hell when the wind hit it.
Tiffany: TOUCH ME!
Chris: baby.
Tiffany looked up at me with tears in her eyes, it was a face I saw often when we became more than friends which was disappointment and it crushed my soul everytime to see it.
Tiffany: what Chris? What do you have to say?
I walk in front of the door to block it.
Chris: Maurice is probably sleep we should talk about this outside.
Tiffany chuckles and shakes her head.
Tiffany: Oh my god......and Trey told me but my naive ass said "no I trust him he wouldn't do that to me again" and like a dumbass I fell for that smile and those fuckin lies AGAIN.
Chris: Trey? wtf what did he say to you?
Tiffany: it doesn't matter Chris.
Tiffany: you're doing it to me again.
It was painful to watch her speak and hold back her tears.
Tiffany: you're doing the samething you did years ago.
Chris: no I'm not baby I love you!
Tiffany: prove it then!!
Chris: Watchu think I been doin for the past 2 years while you were with Anthony!
Tiffany: yea you proved it alright getting some groupie pregnant.
She rolls her eyes.
Tiffany: Once again I'm left looking stupid...Everyone knew but me Chris. Do you know how humiliating that is? To get told that you're man got another bitch pregnant & you were the only one who didn't know about this plot twist! Had every one looking at me like a damn fool! Maybe I should listen to everyone else instead of you cause everyone said I was stupid to have gotten pregnant by you but I thought no our twins- Maurice was special to you he was that little precious thing that we created together and now I think bringing a child into the world and by whom ever means nothing to you.
Chris: I'm trying to tell you it's not mine!
Tiffany: oh like you said when I was pregnant with the twins.
All I could do was look down her cause she was right. I let my so called friends get in my head years ago when Tiffany was pregnant telling me all kinds of lies when I should've known better.
Tiffany: All that fuckin bullshit you been talkin! I knew it!
Chris: Technically I was free to fuck anyone I want since I was single so
I shrug getting irritated with her.
Tiffany: Oh!?
Chris: Dont do that to me Tiffany don't do that don't belittle me and take away everything good I've done! I'm a great father a great provider and I can be a phenomenal husband so don't do that to me!
Tiffany: Then don't feed me all this love and family bullshit then come up with this! Don't fuckin tell me you want us to be a family and that you're in love with me when you been fuckin this bitch the whole time!!! And to put salt in my wound it's with this BITCH CHANTEL!
She socs me in my chest making me step back.
Tiffany:Out of all the groupies why'd you have to fuck her!
Tiffany cocked her arm back to hit me again but I grabbed both of her arms and pinned her against my chest.
Chris: So you mad cause I fucked her? Could I have fucked anybody else and it would've been fine?
Tiffany: BOTH!
Tiffany tries to  rub the temples of her forehead.
Tiffany: All the partying you been doin all these different women-
Chris: I just got you back babe why would I cheat on you!
Tiffany: Trey has been tryna get my attention lately maybe I should give him a call.
I push her out of my arms and she stumbles a little.
Chris: Walk off with the wrong man again and see what happen!
I shout pointing my finger in her face.
Tiffany: the fuck you mean again!? The only reason I left the first time is because you were STILL fuckin around with Kae! Even after I left you were still fuckin round with her!
Tiffany walks away back to the car. 
Chris: You know it wasn't like that!
Tiffany gets in her car and drives off to god knows where.
I fling my arms and stomp my feet in frustration!

*Tiffany's P.O.V.*
I knock on the front door and hug myself to keep warm.
The door swings open and I stand there froze not knowing what to expect.
Tiffany: Hi...
Trey: Hey...

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