Maybe a family?

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*Chris's P.O.V.*

We leave that same night but it was difficult to get Tiffany to the airport cause she didn't want to leave the yellow ribbon of lilies in the backyard but I promised her they would get back to Cali safely.

The officers suggested we shouldn't leave but they got me fucked up I wasn't keeping them there another second knowing Anthony wasn't even in custody so he could attack Tiffany or Maurice again. What would've happened if I wouldn't of made it back in time? What if he would've broke the door down? Fuck these cops bruh.


We get to the house and I know Tiffany was taken aback to not see the condo I use to have to now see a mansion. I was serious about wanting to be a family but Tiffany playin. Maurice eagerly grabs her hand to show her his room and Tiffany was happy to go see. She stood surprised at his room decked out in Batman everything and he brought her to the floor so he could show her all the toys in his toy chest. Tiffany looks up at me while Maurice was babbling away and pleasantly smiles. I don't know what she expected but of course I was going to have my son living like the prince he is.

I start to walk Tiffany to my master bedroom.

Chris: You can sleep with me for now the guestrooms aren't really put together yet.

I lied I just want her to sleep with me.

I open the door and Tiffany doesn't look at all excited about my room till she see's the graffiti on the walls. A whole wall dedicated to Maurice with his name on the wall. The next wall had Breezy written over it with the creatures I spray painted all around it. Tiffany stares at the blank wall the longest & I stare at the bruises on her arms that were slightly fading away

Tiffany: I'm fine Chris.

She looks up at me reassuringly knowing I was staring at her marks.

Tiffany: why is this one blank?

She asks keeping her eyes on the wall.

Chris: cause it's waiting on you.

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