Welcome Back prt 2

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The party is over...

*Tiffany's P.O.V.*

I get out of the shower, wrap my towel around my body and stare at some of the gifts the girls got me as welcome home gifts that left me questioning their true intentions. Heather and Jackie got me lingerie, Sevyn got me a bath set. Jackie and Jenn sick asses got me sex jellies, sex toys and massage oil. I toss Jenn and Jackie's presents to the side and laugh. I pick up the black teddy that heather got me and put it against my body.

Tiffany: ugh.

I toss it in the sink.

Tiffany: what am I thinking that is too sexy to wear to bed with Chris.

I tap my foot on the floor and continue to stare at it.

Tiffany: ugh fuck it.

I slip it on and take one last look at myself in the mirror and open the door.

Tiffany: aahh! Dear god!

Maurice: you smell good mommy.

Tiffany: Maurice it's 3 in the morning what are you doing up....what are you holding behind your back?

Maurice smiles and pulls a plate from behind his back with a piece of cheesecake on it with the candle lit.

Tiffany: awww baby

I bend down to his level.

Maurice: would you go out on a date with Christopher Maurice Brown?

Tiffany: (gasp) I would love to go out on a date with you!

Maurice: not me mommy! Daddy!

Tiffany: Oooohh. I would love to.

He runs to the bedroom door and peeks outside of it.

Maurice: Mommy said yes!!

I laugh at both of them squealing in the hallway.

Tiffany: I'm going to kill you for having our son up at 3am (laugh)

Chris comes in with the plate now in his hand and closes the door.

Chris: he begged me to-

Chris becomes silent as his eyes hazily wander over me from head to toe. He shyly turns his head away flashing those pearly whites and licks his lips that made me quiver and question why I wasn't naked on top of him yet.

He walks over to me and I secretly beg him inside my head to not get too close cause I wasn't sure how much longer I could contain myself.

Tiffany: you got my favorite?

I ask referring to the strawberry cheesecake in his hand anything to change the vibe in this room.

He places his hand around my arm and guides it down feeling my goosebumps with his thumb. He stops at my hand and leads me to his bed. I want to stop. I don't want to go to the bed. My body won't stop following him!

He wraps his hands around my waist and lifts me up sitting me on the bed. He opens up my legs and stands comfortably between them. I bite down on my lips to keep myself from moaning from my throbbing pearl.

Chris dims his eyes leaning into me and slowly inhales my scent in the crook of my neck and shoulder. He let's out a soft moan and I could feel my legs go numb.

Chris: you got my attention.

He comes face to face with me staring down at my breast then to my lips.

Chris: you have my attention when you're sleeping next to me. You have my attention when you step out of the tub. I see no one but you. You have my attention when I look at your lips..they taste like wine...and I want to get drunk.

Chris: and you'll have my attention 60 years from now.


Chris: I could hear your heart pounding....and I haven't even touched you yet.

Chris begins to feed me the piece of cake, and I never wanted him more.

Changed man prt 2Where stories live. Discover now