3am Shadows Bites Back

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The Next Day...

*Chris's P.O.V.*

Tiffany spent her whole day completely ignoring me and I'd be lying if I say it didn't bother me. It agitated the shit out of me. Yes I over reacted last night. Yes I crossed the line. Yes I let my anger get the best of me and I've apologized all damn day for it what else does she want from me?


*Tiffany's P.O.V.*

I drop Maurice off at school and head back home today seemed like an outer body experience. I saw myself get out of Chris's bed. I saw myself mindlessly get Maurice ready for school. I saw myself waving goodbye to him but it all seemed different now. I didn't feel the same today. Everything felt different & not in a good way. I began to feel sad that the happy family I had a couple days ago will never come back.


I walk inside the house and immediately hear two men arguing. I sigh and tell myself to ignore it because I want nothing more to do with Chris.

Chris: Do you get a fuckin rise out of ruining what I have with Tiffany!?

Mijo: No! Apparently you do! I'm trying to protect her from the same dumb shit you did years ago that made her run away!

I secretly enter the living room making sure that they don't see me or hear me.

Chris: You still like her is that it!? You tryna sabotage what we got!?

Mijo: If I wanted to sabotage it I could've just told her you planned to fuck her that night in the hotel room!

Chris & Mijo throw punches and I quickly run between them screaming for them to stop.


I crumble to the ground holding my eye.

*Chris's P.O.V.

Me and Mijo stop fighting after hearing a faint scream in our ears.

I look down horrified at the sight of Tiffany on the floor discombobulated and about to cry. I pick her up in my arms and she let's me. Me and Mijo looked at each other back and fourth confused not knowing who hit her. I begin to walk up the stairs with Tiffany in arms and Mijo let's himself out, and as soon as the door closes Tiffany cries into my chest still holding her eye that was already blackening beginning to swell. I lay her in bed and go back downstairs to get a plastic bag and fill it with ice.


*Tiffany's P.O.V.*

I hear Chris come back into the room and he hands me a bag of ice. I sigh and put the bag over my eye. He climbs into bed almost laying completely on top of me embracing me in his arms pulling me into his chest. I inhale his warm scent and curl myself away from him. He rest his cheek on the side of my head and his lips on the side of my ear.

Chris: I'm sorry.


Tiffany: I'm tired of hearing that Chris.

I say as another tear falls.

Tiffany: that's why bear was outside my door that night?

Chris: Tiffany obviously I didn't just wanna fuck if this is where we are 7 years later.

He breathes huskily into my ear.

Chris: I want you, I need you, what the fuck is so complicated about that? What I have with you, I don't want with anyone else.

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