Double Trouble

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*Chris's P.O.V.*

I roam my hand across the empty bed sheets hoping to pull Tiffany into my chest but she wasn't there and I quickly shot my eyes open.
The sunlight blinds me and I sit up covering my eyes. I open them to see Tiffany in the closet taking her clothes off the racks and throwing them in bags. I jump out of the bed pulling up my drooping briefs.
I walk into the closet with her.
Chris: babe what are doing?
She ignores me continuing to throw her clothes in bags.
Chris: where are you going?
She continues to ignore me.
I grab her arm from reaching another hanger.
Chris: Can you look at me?.......
Tiffany: No cause if I do I know I'm not going to leave.
Chris: leave? Leave where!?
I try my best not to yell but what is she talking about.
Tiffany gives me a suss face -__- picks up a couple bags and walks past me. I follow her trying to talk to her the whole way down. I began to feel queezy but I ignore it.
Chris: Lea-leaving where Tiffany you can't just leave!
Tiffany: I can't be here, Maurice can't be here, I can't explain a black eye to my son! This isn't healthy this wasn't a good idea to begin with.
I put my hands on my head in frustration. Everything was going so good till I decided to to lie to the love of my life and fight Mijo in a blind rage and both ending in the same result, Tiffany getting hurt.
Chris: We have bigger things to worry about!
Tiffany: What's bigger than our child?
Chris: that's the exact reason why you can't leave!
Tiffany: why!?
Chris: Anthony.
Tiffany sits the bags on the floor her facial expression looked angry & confused.
I sigh.
Chris: that day you said Maurice was acting strange, I talked to him and he told me Anthony was at his school asking him where we lived.
Tiffany turns away from me clutching her chest.
Tiffany: How much have you been fuckin keeping from me! Oh my god I've been taking him to that school this whole time! He's been stalking us! And you haven't told me a damn thing!!
Chris: I have it under control! I do! I've handled it!
Tiffany: is he in jail? Is he in a mental institution?
I look down shaking my head.
Tiffany: Then you don't have it under control!!
Chris: we can talk about this more when I get back from rehearsals. Just promise me that you and Maurice will be here when I get back.
Tiffany folds get arms.
Tiffany: watever...
I go upstairs and get dressed as I leave I try to pull Tiffany in for a kiss but she snatches away from me.

*Tiffany's P.O.V.*
I check on Maurice still asleep in his room then leave into the hallway bathroom. My mind was racing my hands were shaking I'm so frightened I don't know what to do. How could Chris leave us in this big ass house alone knowing Anthony found my sons school and talked to him. Why didn't Maurice tell me? I turn my attention to my black eye in the mirror and quickly ignore it. Even tho I hate Chris right now I would never reveal to him that he was the one that hit me that would crush his soul.

*Chris's P.O.V.*
I walk into the house feeling winded. I stop at the door trying to catch my breath but hear voices coming from the living room.
I walk in and break out in a sweat as if I wasn't feeling sick before now I see Tiffany and Chantel in the same room.
I swallow hard.
Chris: what is sh-she doing here? what are you guys talking about?
Tiffany: how small your penis is.
Chantel laughs but Tiffany was not amused she looked at me with murder in her eyes.
Tiffany: I was just about to say how much Chantel & I have in common.
Chantel looked excited to hear what Tiffany had to say.
Tiffany: I'm pregnant.

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