Father & Son

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*Tiffany's P.O.V.*

I sat here looking down at the duck tape strapped continuously around me. I tapped my feet on the floor realizing how stuck I am. My arms were restrained to my sides. I tried to scream but nothing came out. Anthony explained that if I made a sound that he didn't authorize he would hurt Maurice. He sat at the bottom of the stair case twirling a sharp blade in his hand smiling & talking to himself. Looking at him I wondered what the fuck was wrong with me. How did I not see how crazy he was. But I guess they're all angels in the beginning.
Anthony: what do you think is going to happen?
I gaze at him with a sinister expression.
Anthony: I could tell you what's going to happen.....Chris is gonna come in, realize what's going on, be captain save a hoe.....you're the hoe in case you didn't know.
I roll my eyes.
Anthony: he's so predictable & stupid! What do you see in this guy!? He's going to come in here expecting to see his beautiful family...but then see's me instead..try to beat me up...possibly kill me...but......
I look up to Anthony.
Anthony: he's not going to call the cops (laugh) even if I am an intruder & a wanted criminal he's not going to get off free, and I'll be the first one out of jail...and guess who's going to pay you a permanent visit.
In an instant Anthony's whole mood changes. He walks up to my grazing the knife against my exposed skin. Threatening to hurt me. He walks away from me to the mirror in the hallway.
He looks into it and becomes angrier.
Anthony: no ones going to want me! BUT YOU WILL!
Tiffany: STOP!!
Tears burst from my eyes & I feel a snap in my stomach.
My head slumps forward & blood starts to drip from my lip.
Anthony: didn't I scream for you to stop when you were beating me with a frying pan?
Please Chris get here soon.
Suddenly we both hear a car pull up outside & I know it's Chris.
Anthony disappears from my sight, and I become more frightened. My heart beat was like a timer. What was I going to say when Chris came in? Do I say get Maurice upstairs & run? Do I say leave & call the cops? Do I say Anthony's somewhere in the house kill him? Or do I say grab our son & let's leave to the hospital because my water just broke......

Chris burst through the door quickly scanning the room running over to me. Maurice must have called him like I wanted. I love that boy. Chris was quickly unwrapping the tape from around me.
Tiffany: Maurice is in his room! My water just broke! Baby we gotta leave now.
Chris looked down at my busted lip and bruised cheeks and I saw his eyes turn black.
Chris: where's Anthony.
I open my mouth to say I don't know but-
Anthony: right behind you lover boy.
Chris turns around and POW! Chris instantly stumbles on his feet not expecting Anthony. They start to fight and I snatch my arms out the tape ripping my arm hair off. I try to unwrap & unwrap as best as I could feeling my contractions getting worse, and the fight happening behind me getting louder. I jump out of the chair free but then bend down in pain trying to hold in my screams. Then all I heard was silence. I turn towards the fight and see Anthony shirtless on top of Chris with Anthony's shirt wrapped around Chris's neck squeezing it tightly around his neck. I scream quickly running to the hallway mirror and without thinking socking it as hard as I could making it shatter all over the floor. I pick up a large sharp piece ignoring the cuts and shards of glass in my hand and run over to them. I see Chris lying there holding on for dear life with veins popping out of his neck & forehead turning red. It's now my turn to save Chris. I get behind Anthony and jam the glass in his eye. I rip it out and go for the other eye and he screams in agony when I gouge the second eye he swings back knocking me into the wall & I slide down to the floor.
Chris regains his composure and gets on top of Anthony savagely beating him into a pulp. I look in the corner of my eye & see Maurice standing here horrified at us all.
Tiffany: Maurice baby come here!
He didn't see me all he saw was his daddy beating Anthony to death.
Tiffany: Maurice! Come here! Baby don't look come here!
I screamed and I screamed but Maurice didn't seem to hear me.
Chris picks up the shard of glass I had, raises it in the air and aims it at Anthony's throat.
Tiffany: CHRIS DONT!!
I cried out.
Chris looks over at me confused and enraged.
Tiffany: your son.
Chris looks back at Maurice, and Maurice looked petrified. Chris slowly puts the glass down. I breathe in a sigh of relief. I couldn't let Maurice watch his father kill Anthony, and I couldn't let Chris kill Anthony in front of his son.

45 minutes and police cars & ambulances later Serene Marie Brown was born.

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