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*Chris's P.O.V.*

3 weeks later.......

I tiredly lay in bed flicking through channels trying to stay up till Maurice got home. Since he started his new school a couple weeks ago I haven't been here to see him leave or come back home because I've been at rehearsals for the music video with Ariana Grande but since I'm home now I am determined to see him today. I look over to Tiffany who was sitting indian style quietly reading her book. I'm Chris Brown laying in a bed half naked next to her and she didn't even notice any other girl would've been jumped my bones.

I sit up grab her book and toss it across the room.

Tiffany: Chris! (Laugh)

She reaches over me to get it but I pull her under the covers with me against her will and begin to kiss her ear and neck. She laughs pushing me away from her but that just made me hold her closer.

Tiffany: I have to get Maurice from school!

Chris: I got somebody to pick him up, he'll be home any minute, which gives us enough time to...

I slip my hand inside her shirt.

Maurice: Daddy!

I feel a little body jump on top of the covers and I pop my head out of the covers.

Chris: CJ!

I pull him into my arms and kiss him.

Maurice: I missed you..

Chris: I missed you more! I'm here now, no worries! Now that my favorite man is here you could help me figure out what cartoon to watch cause mommy sucks at it.

I try to whisper the last part in his ear but Tiffany hears me and playfully slaps the back of my head.

Maurice: my new teacher gave me candy!?

Maurice says excitedly pulling some out of his pocket.

Tiffany: (gasp) do you have some for me?

Maurice looks down at his one piece of candy left.

Tiffany: where's the rest of it!?

Tiffany yells faking her anger then tickles Maurice across the bed.

Maurice: I ate it!

Maurice admits while laughing uncontrollably.

Tiffany: you ate all that candy!?

Maurice screams yes while squirming all over the bed laughing.

I look at Tiffany and Maurice and continue to lay where I am with a pearly white smile embedded on my face. Hearing their laughter together made my heart flutter. When I was only with Maurice I felt like we were missing something. When I was with Tiffany without Maurice I still felt empty.....but them together is what I need. This moment right now is what I live for, and they have no idea how much they make me happy.

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