Back to Cali

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2 days later...

*Chris's P.O.V.*

The next day me and Maurice were on the first flight back to New Orleans to find out Tiffany was in holding getting questioned on what happened. Anthony was still in the hospital getting treated for his many injuries but I didn't know what happened no one will fuckin tell me anything! I tried sneak in a few minutes with him to handle an unresolved issue by choking the living shit out of him for putting his hands on my son, but they wouldn't let anyone see him.


Maurice and I are waiting in the car for Tiffany to be released. She was suppose to be released the same day she got taken in but I'm reluctant to see Tiffany because I'm mad at her! I specifically told her to stay put and not do anything! But she disobeyed me and had Maurice crying all day wondering where she was and if she was okay. It's only so much a father can do when ultimately he wants his mommy.

Tiffany comes out the doors and without a second thought me and Maurice race out the car to holding her tight. Tiffany holds Maurice high squeezing him into her chest crying and kissing him. Maurice had his legs and arms around her like a spider monkey so I couldn't get in between at all but I was okay with that. When Tiffany finally came up for her air she looked up at me with a sympathetic look like she was sorry, I nod my head and kiss her forehead.


Tiffany goes into the bathroom to take a bath that she was so eager to take where I could talk to her without Maurice present.

I step into the bathroom and she was already pulling her bra off.

Chris: umm.

I try to keep my thoughts straight.

Chris: I need to talk to you.

Tiffany: yea wassup...

She says pulling down her pants.

Maurice comes into the bathroom.

Maurice: can I take a bath too mommy?

Tiffany: Next time kay baby?

Chris: Look what you've done to my son! he's a hippie! he doesn't even react to seeing a naked woman.

Tiffany: Why would he react I'm his mother.

I escort Maurice out the bathroom so me and Tiffany can talk privately.

I walk back in to her completely emerged into the bubble bath.

Chris: It's hard to be mad at you when you're in front of me naked.

I crack a nervous smile, ever since we left her mind seems to be somewhere else.

Tiffany: you're mad at me?

Chris: cause you reacted when I told you not to.

Tiffany: you call me telling me this man put his hands on my child and you expect me to stay calm? I should've killed that nigga,

especially after he...

She stops talking.

Chris: after he what!?

Tiffany shrugs her shoulders.

Tiffany: nothing (weak smile)

Chris: you're coming back to Cali to stay with me.

Tiffany: okay.

She says not looking at me cause she knew I wasn't asking I was demanding.

Chris: Me and Maurice bout to get something to eat whatchu want?

Tiffany: (sigh) get my anything.

She waves me off.

Me and Maurice leave to get some food.


*Tiffany's P.O.V.*

I sit in the tub playing with my cloth feeling mentally exhausted. I really didn't want to leave the house I made into a home with my son but what choice do I have. I have to move back with Chris.

I hear the front door close. Sigh. That must be them.

I sit in silence waiting for them to trot upstairs cackling and laughing. I smile to myself thinking of the random things they always talk about.

My smile turns into a frown once I don't hear anything. I peek outside the door from the tub to see a figure standing in the shadows down the hall. I squint my eyes wondering what the fuck is Chris doing.

Wait. That isn't...

My hearts jumps out of my throat and Anthony comes charging down the hall to the bathroom, I climb out the tub on all fours slamming the door shut and locking it.

He rams into the door and scream jumping back terrified.

I grab my towel wrapping it around me panicking rummaging through the bottom of the sink for anything I could use to protect myself.

Anthony: Tiffanyyy, open the door.

I stare at the door shaking like a leaf with tears coming down my eyes scared at how insane he really sounds. I grab the lid off the back of the toilet and cock it behind me ready to swing if he comes in.

Anthony: OPEN THE FUCKIN DOOR YOU BITCH! I got a fuckin hot iron with your name on it!


I scream slipping on the floor falling back into the tub.




I scream hearing each RAM against the door. I grab onto the shower walls trying to pick myself out of the tub but my feet keep slipping on the floor landing me back into the tub. My blood curdles in my veins and my skin is on pins and needles.

The hinges on the door begin to crack and I witness the screws falling onto the floor in front of me. I continually scream clutching myself for dear life only thinking I don't want my son to grow up without his mother.


I bite down on my lips and squeeze my eyes shut. Why is it quiet?

Chris: Tiffany? Baby!?

Maurice: mommy?

I push myself out the tub and roughly unlock the door and try to open it but it's jammed and I'm locked in and I panic all over again.


The thought of this door being the only thing separating us made me frantic. Chris started trying to break the door down and I was loosing patience.


I shift back and fourth on my feet screaming for Chris to hurry up.

The door flies open and I flee into Chris's arms.

He pushes my hair out of my face asking me questions but I couldn't hear a word he was saying over my crying.

Tiffany: he was here! Anthony was here!

I try to look around but I couldn't see with my tears blurring my vision.

Tiffany: He tried to break the door down and it was nothing I could do! And you were gone!

I try to get my words out through my clogged throat hoping Chris understands me.

Chris immediately let me go and started running around the house looking for Anthony.

I pick up Maurice and Chris comes back upstairs.

Chris: you not stayin anotha night! Pack, we leavin now!

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