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Hermione POV

I woke up to a warm strong arm wrapped around my waist. I turned to see my blond fiancé sleeping soundly. I smiled and got up when I heard a owl pecking at our window.

I untied the letter and gave the owl a treat. The owl was named "fluffs" he was my moms. I read the letter it says


There is another Family Reunion this weekend. I'm afraid we have run out of excuses not to come! You can bring Draco and Scorp. If you would like. I would actually advise it seeing as your cousin have not changed one bit. Also in the magazine they are saying he is still single! That is outrageous!! One more thing your cousins are fawning over him! So just tease them with him will you?

-Love, Your Mother

Ps- the address

3213 Casino St. Paris, France

Are you kidding me! I hate these reunions!

Just then Draco woke up

"What are you reading babe?" He asked tired.

I handed him the letter and he read it.

"Well at least it is at one of my hotels!" He said

"You never told me you owned this one!" I exclaimed

Draco and his Father are very Famous in the wizarding world and the muggle world. He owns Casinos and Hotels in the muggle world. Also Potion stores in the Wizarding world.

"Well for the first day or two of this I will be on a business trip. So try not to let your snot bitch cousins get in your hair." He said

"Well they can't really get in my hair anymore, now can they?!" I laughed. My hair was now nice and silky. They are nice tight ringlets. Not like they used to be all bushy and fuzzy!

Then I heard Scorp cry.

"I better get him. Can u make us breakfast?" I asked

"Sure. I'll make scorps favorite, he seems grumpy today." Draco said getting out of bed.

I walked down the long green hall into Scorps bedroom.

"Hi baby!" I said picking up my two year old.

"Where daddy! I hungry!"

"Daddy is making you favorite breakfast! Want to go see!"

"Yummy!" He squealed and we walked down stairs.

It smelled like Pancakes and Sausage. Delicious! We are going to need a good relaxing breakfast before leaving for the reunion. It's sad that Draco is leaving today! He is not going to be there for the first and second day!

"Yummy! Thank you daddy!" Scorp said squirming out of my arms   Then going to hug his dad.

"So you are going to be gone for then next 3 days?" I ask

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