Chp. 16

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-Rons POV-

I was almost caught. Almost caught. That can't happen again. Never again.

-Dracos POV-

Hermione is now 3 1/2 months Pregnant. The Scorpius, Zinnia and Segan have been trying to convince me to let them name the babies. I said that we might let them name one.

I and possibly Hermione will be finding out what the genders are soon because of this new spell where you can find out the gender sooner.

"Scorpius! Come feed your dog!" I yell into the living room.

"Mmk" I hear him mumble back.

"You brought him here and begged to keep him, so you have to feed him Mr. Sass." I say To my son.

"Ok" I here him

I see him stomp into the dog room and shut the door after Bane follows him in.

'Ring Ring Ring'

-Phone Call-

Doc-Hello Mr.Malfoy, I have called you to inform you that Hermione has woken up and is looking for you"

Draco-We will be right over!

-Hangs up-

"KIDS! Mom woke up!! Let's go!!" I yell so where ever they are in the house they will hear me.

Suddenly I hear doors slam and feet pattering all over the house. The twins come down the stair well with their shoes and Jakets in their hands. Scorpius runs out of the dog room with Bane. He is tearing up.

"Let's go..." Scorpius and Segan say softly.

Zinnia stands there in shock. "Let's go baby girl." I say taking her and Segans hand. Scorpius grabs onto Zinnias hand and we apperate to St. Mungos.

"Mr. Malfoy, follow me." A nurse says right as we get inside. We all are still holding hands. Running down the hall. Scorpius and I almost crying. I don't think the twins get the concept of what is going on. Only that they can't talk to their mom.

When we get inside of the baby blue bed hospital room I see Hermione standing by the sink.

"Mione...." I say on the verge of tears.

Instantly she turns around. "Draco....."

"Hermione...!" I breath.  I let go of the kids hands and run to Hermione. I take her into my arms right away and we hug for what seems like forever.

We pull apart and I put my hands softly on her cheeks and kiss her passionately.

"Kids" she whispers.

I stop and turn to look at our giggling kids. They all run over and hug Hermione who gladly hugs them back with love.

"I love you all so much." Hermione says smiling. A tear slips down my cheek and I just whisper 'I love you too'

SHES AWAKE!!!!!!!!! Finally! I was so confused on how I should have her wake up. I was going to have something very complex and I was writing it but some how it got deleted and I didn't feel like writing it all over again. After all it was 1,800 words. Haha I'm lazy. Bye-Riley


So I got a new Dramione out so go check that out. It is called 'Our Start (Dramione)' Plz go check it out!!

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