Chp. 14

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-Draco POV-

I walk into the he waiting room and see the Zabinis.

"Where is she! Where is she!" Ginny tells standing up and trying to push by me. But I just stop her. "Let me see her!" She says. Tears in her eyes.

"She's not awake yet. So there is no use right now." I say. Ginny pauses and just stands there silently crying. Blaise comes up behind her are Hugs her. Then she turns around and bury her face in his chest.

"I'm sorry mate." Blaise says while comforting Ginny.

Then Harry walks in. Still covered in blood. Cho by his side.

"Has she awaken yet?!" Harry says rushing over to us. I shake my head no.

Cho just stands there unfazed. She always hated Hermione. And Hermione returned the feelings. If anything she is probably happy.

"Why is she here?!!" Blaise whispers to me.

"No idea." I whisper back. Cho also hates Ginny. She stole Harry from Ginny and she still thinks she like him. But like wtf she is married to someone.

Harry looks uncomfortable and Cho has a smirk on her face. I swear she is a death eater. She is a pure blood. But so am I. But I'm not a death eater. Then I see three people walk into Hermione's room so I follow and so do the others.

When we get in the room I see them all crowding around her bed. They are in black masks and black clothes.

"Get the hell away from her!" Yells Ginny running to curse them. But they apperate away.

"Death eaters...." Harry says. Cho walks out of the room. But Harry stays even after she calls for him. Harry is such a loyal friend and husband. But I can tell him and Cho are going threw something.

"Harry, mate, let's talk." I say and we walk to the other side of the room so no one will hear.

"What's up with you and Cho?" I ask once we were not able to be heard.

" noticed." Harry says looking at his feet.

"Yes, I think everyone did. Now what's up." I say becoming unpatient

"She....uh she cheated on me." He says. I see a tear slip down his cheek but he quickly wipes it off.

"With who." I say trying to keep calm.


That fucking asshole. We haven't even seen him in years and he decides to show up and cheat with his best friends wife. How the hell did they even meet up!

"Ron! We haven't seen him since me and Hermione started dating!" I say surprised and angry. Harry is one of my best chaps and he gets double crossed by his wife with his best friend.

"Yeah I know. I don't even know where he is right now and I don't even know how long or how.

"Well Harry shouldn't you tell Lavendar." Blaise says when Ginny is out of the room.

"She wouldn't believe me. Plus she deserves what she gets. She stole Ron from Hermione. But Hermione is much better off with You. " Harry says. Still upset.

"Damn right you are!" I say trying to lighten the mood. I am truly happy that Hermione got cheated on. Even If it hurt her at the moment. She wouldn't regret her decision. If I could ask her right now. I'm sure that would be her answer. We have 3 beautiful babies and one on the way.

Hey guys. Yes I know and kinda inappropriate section. Well those are very rare and it will most likely get deleted. But thanks for reading plz VOTE! COMMENT! AND SHARE!!! my book!! Bye!

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