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-30 min before lunch-

"Scorp....Scorp it's time to wake up..." I said to my sleeping little boy in his crib. He looks so peaceful. But I guess he has to wake up now.

"Mama is it time for lunch...?"

"Yes baby. And after we can go swimming if you would like!"

He sat up and I picked him up. He clung onto me like he always does when he is tired.

"Do you have to go to the Toilet?" I asked the toddler.

"No thanks mommy, I will after lunch before the pool."

He rubbed his eyes and started to squirm out of my grip. I let him down and he ran back into his room to get dressed. I totally forgot he hates going into public a little messy like his father.

I went into my bedroom to get dressed. I had take a little cat nap too. I put on a lose emerald shirt and black leggings. The shirt was long enough that it covered my but so then I tucked the front of the shirt into the front of my pants.

Then I went into the bathroom to touch up my makeup and do my hair.

I put my hair into a cute messy bun and fixed my makeup.

"Mama?" I heard Scorp yell for me.

"In the bathroom hun." I told him

I heard a knock on the door and I heard Scorp tell me that Blaise was here. So I got out of the bathroom all ready and said hi to him.

"Just wanted to remind you that your lunch is scheduled for 10 minuets from now." He told me

I sighed and nodded then said "the horror!!" In a joking tone. Blaise let out a little laugh and walked with us down stairs.

We were half way down when I told him "You might want to go your separate way, seeing as my cousins will rape you." I joked before me and Scorp hugged him goodbye. He was going home with James to see Ginny and the other kids.

Me and Scorpius walked into the room and my mom and dad saw us and showed me our table that they picked out for us. We sat down and waited for the food.

"Your late!" My cousin Screeched behind me

I turned my body so it as looking at my cousin "Welllll actually I'm not. I'm 5 minuets early. You see I was with Blaise. Ya know Draco Malfoy's best friend. Oh and did I mention I am a pretty good friend with Draco Malfoy."

"You have to get me a date with him!!" Sarah squealed in my ear. God why is her voice so high pitched!!

"Why would he want to date a whore like you?!" I scoffed in my cousins face.

"Because I'm beautiful!!" Sarah said with a flip of her hair.

"Also he has a girlfriend so I don't think he would leave her for well that" when I said "that" I waved my hand around her body.

"He does not have a girlfriend so yeah he would date THIS" she said waving her hand over her breast

"Those flappy things....Gross!!" After I said that I waved her away as she was scoffing at me. Probably saying a couple swear words but I don't really care.

The food came in about 10 minuets later and Scorp ate Macaroni and Cheese. I ate a Toasted sandwich, it had bacon, lettuce, ham, turkey, and cheese. My Favorite!

We finished in about 20 minuets after fighting Scorpius so that he would actually eat more then one tiny bit of his mac and cheese. But after wards he was happy because we got to go swimming.

"Oh Scorp lets go get changed!"

"Will daddy be there? I miss him a lot!" He said with puppy dog eyes.

"No....but daddy is coming to be with us tomorrow, maybe even late tonight!" I said putting happiness back in his spirit.

We got in the elevator and went to the very top floor, the top floor needed a key for the elevator because it was only one room. Our room.

Once we got to the 26th floor (our floor) I went into Scorps room and got out his swimming trunks. He got changed then I went into our room and I got on a emerald  2 piece.

Then I started to feel nauseous. I ran to the bathroom and threw up! Not again!!! Frick!!! Am I pregnant?!!! I thought to myself. Can I be pregnant? We have been using the charm....haven't we?! Crap I don't remember! "Shit...." I mutter quietly. "It's been 2 months....."

I cleaned myself up and stoped thinking about that stuff. I went into the living room. I saw Scorpius watching some Blues Clues.

"Common Scorp it's time to swim!" I said excitedly.

"Are you sure you want to swim? Because u didn't sound or look to good in the bathroom?!" Scorpius said with worry in his voice as he turned off the TV.

"Yeah I'm fine I promise!" I smile a fake smile. Scorpius hops off the couch and I grab his swimming bag and his hand. We walk out the door.

*after pool and dinner- 8pm-

Me and Scorp head back up to our room after a obnoxious rant over Draco Malfoy from my cousins. Scorpius was constantly asking me "why are they talking about dad?!" In a whisper. All I said was to just eat so we can go to bed and that they are weird and annoying.

Once we were in our room Scorpius ran to his room and grabbed his pjs. After he changed he came out to give me a goodnight hug and told me to wake him up if dad comes home.

I tucked him in bed and went out to the living room to watch TV and to call Draco.

First I called Draco

*On the phone*

Draco: Hey Mione! I miss you and Scorp so much!

Me: we miss you so much too! Do you know when you are coming home? Scorp has been asking for you lately

Draco: I think either late tonight or early in the morning. But we will see. I hope your family hasn't been a big bother to you and Scorpius?!

Me: Just a little teasing and stuff but nothing to bad right now.

Draco: ok well I love you so much! But I have to go now we are getting on the road!"

"Ok love you!"

Hey guys! So I hope you like this Chapter. Also what do u think about the baby? Should it be a baby or food poisoning??

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