Chp. 15

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-2 weeks later- Dracos POV-

Hermione has still not woken up and the kids are so worried. Expecally Segan he was always a Mamas boy. Today me and the kids are going to visit her and check up on the baby. She is 2 months pregnant and we have no idea if the baby will survive. It's so weak that it might die. It used its magic to save Hermione from the killing curse.

Our baby saved its mom before it  was even born. Talk about Born A Gryffindor.

I get the kids dressed and we head out the door. Segan hasn't left my side since Hermione left. He sad he is scared to lose me too. Then Zinnia doesn't really talk anymore. She is usually hid in her room. Then do I explain Scorp. He is lashing out. He got banned from his school from cursing people. And he doesn't talk to anyone either. Every once in a while I hear him talking to himself but I decide to leave him be.

When we arrive at the hospital the kids jump out and run to the door. They know where Her room is so they just go there even when the Nurses try to stop them.

I get into the room after them and see them sitting on her bed. Segan holding her hand. Scorp whispering in her ear and Zinnia sitting by her feet. Not doing anything. Just sitting by her feet. She has never done that before.

"Zinnia, honey are you ok?" I ask a little worried. She looks up at me with her big brown eyes. Her bleach blond hair in her face.

"Is she going to come back?" She asks. Looking back down at her feet.

"She will" I reassure my daughter then pull her into a hug.

"When" she muggles into my chest

"We don't know yet sweety" I say. "But she will wake up. I promise you that"

"Ok daddy." My 3 year old daughter says heading over to Hermione.

We are all hurt. But we have hope. Hope for better times.

-Ultra Sound- 1 1/2 month later-

"Ok Mr. Malfoy, here is Baby A, B, and C."

Yes that is right. Triplets. Insane I know. We were trying to have another baby but then ended up getting to have three more. Six Kids. Doesn't sound too bad. Right? Well it doesn't matter. I love them. I always will. No matter how many kids we have I will love them till the end. Always and Forever.

"If you are lucky 2 of the baby's will be born healthy. Or even born at all. That is because of the killing curse she was hit with. She will be ok. But the babies are in danger." The doctor explains with a straight face.

They have been telling me that for awhile now. Nothing new.

"Ok" I say holding Hermione's hand. We were supposed to get married last week. But I had to postpone it because. Well ya know.

Right now the kids are at school. Wizard Preschool and Wizard Elementary.

-1 week later-

Finally. Finally there is a sign that she will be waking up. She is slightly moving and she is breathing in her own now. The kids don't know yet. I can't wait for them to know.

-1 week later-

"Kids. Let's go visit Mommy!" I yell up the manor stairs.

"Coming Daddy!" I hear Zinnia yell down. I see my 3 angles run down the stairs with their shoes in hand. After I told them that Hermione might wake up soon they became normal again.

"Scorp, where are my keys?" I ask my 6 year old.

"The dog put them in the toilet." Scorpius answers.

"We don't have a dog Scorp" I say laughing to myself.

"Yes we do, Scorpius conjured one up" Segan informs me.

"Where did you learn that?!" I pause for a moment. "Did you use mommy she wand?" I ask while turning my attention to Scorpius.

"Yeah, the speed is easy." My so answers

"Makes sense. You were born to the two smartest witch/wizard at Hogwarts." I say jokingly. "But where are my Kets Scorp."

"I told you, the toilet. But Bane might have flushed the toilet. The twins taught him" scorpius says throwing his arms up in the air at the last sentence.

"Ok. Can you go find Bane and get my keys back" I ask them.

"Fine. But we get candy if we do" Zinnia says driving a hard Bargain.

"Deal" I say. And the kids run back up the stairs and to the left.

After the kids got the keys back we drove to a new candy store. They all got Chocolate Frogs.

Guys, I have been having writers block. Plz comment how I should bring Hermione back to the series. Also don't forget to Vote and Share! Bye!--Riley

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