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"NO THEY ARE NOT!" I heard my aunt scream.

Next thing I know I'm being pried off Draco.

Then i am slapped.....hard

"BITCH!" Scorpius yells.

I see Draco look at him in a look saying "I will talk to you later!"

Then he runs over to me.

"Get off her you whore!" He yells at my aunt who is tackling me to the ground.

"No it's ok now Draco! We can get married in peace now!" She says hugging Draco.

Blood is streaming down my face, mixed with tears.

I stand up and grab my aunt. Then I burry my fist deep into her gut.

Draco then took out his wand.

"Draco! Not here! Muggles!" I warned.

But he simply pointed it at all of my family. Except my mom and Dad.

Everyone gasped.

"Your a Wizard!!" They screamed.

"Yeah he is!! Damn good one too!" Yelled my son.

Damn I love him! But he needs to stop with that language!

I picked up Scorpius and we walked out of the room. Draco still had his wand pointed at my family huddled in the corner.  Then he followed us out.

"The press will record this!" I yelled at Draco.

"I know they will!" He yelled back

"Stop fucking yelling!" Scorpius screamed at us.

"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy! You stop cussing this instant!" I scolded.

"What's the big deal about cussing anyway!" He rolled his eyes and then turned around with a string of words from his mouth. "Ass, bitch, Jackass, Fuck, Chav, Motherfucker,bollocks!"

"Scorpius!" Draco said walking over to him.

"They are just words!" He yelled.

"Yes they are words, but they have bad meanings to them."

"Whatever!" He rolled his eyes and pushed the elevator button.

"What has gotten into your attitude young man!" Draco asked is a scolding voice.

"Has she not told you?!" He yelled pointing at me then walking in the elevator.

We tried to walk in with him but he used his magic to close the doors.

"When did he develop those powers?!" Draco asked astonished.

"I have no idea!" I said with excitement and confused written across my face.

"Mione? What was he talking about?" Draco asked me I could tell a tint of fear in his voice.

"I promise it was nothing." I said kissing him passionately on the lips.

"When will you tell me?!"

"Soon," I said with a smirk I then walked into the elevator. Followed by my fiancé.

Once we arrived in our room we found Scorpius huddled on the couch.

I sit next to him

"I'm not allowed to be in trouble." He told me. His voice call

"Now why is that?" I asked my son



"Just because," he answered switching the channel to Nickelodeon.

"Humph." I say confused.

Draco walked in the room and over to us.

"Scorp me and your mom are going to go out today. So you are going to be staying with Ma and Pa." Draco told us.

"We are?" I said confused on what Draco was saying.

He just simply nodded. I smiled.

"Ok I'll get packed!" Scorp said excitedly. He jumped off the couch and ran into his room.

"So we're going out..." I said standing up and wrapping my arms around Dracos neck.

"Mmm yes we are!" He said kissing me.

I kissed back.

Just the I pulled something out of my pocket.

We broke out kiss. And he looked down.

"What is this?!" He asked taking the item.

"You know!" I said with a smile plastered all over my face.

"I love you!" Draco said kissing me.

"I love you too!"

Hey guys! Sorry for the short Chp. I have been having writers block!😥 So PLZZZZZ help me come up with ideas

ALSO! Don't be ghost readers! Make sure you comment and Vote. Oh and plz subscribe to me😏💕

What should I dooooo plzzzz comment!~Riley😏😘

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